Watson Health
A Trusted Treatment Option from Watson: Why Concordance Studies Matter
Hearing diverse opinions from multiple oncologists is an important part of a patient’s journey, what’s often referred to as getting a second – or third – opinion. And cancer docs, too, frequently consult with one another to confirm a decision or provide a new idea. That’s understandable because cancer is a complex and sometimes elusive […]
Three Principles for Bringing Augmented Intelligence to Life Sciences
In today’s healthcare system, we are not getting the value for the costs we are spending. It’s a complex issue with an equally complex set of potential solutions. But as the industry shifts to value-based care, we’ve reached a tipping point. It is important, more now than ever, that all players within the healthcare ecosystem […]
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Tackling America’s Substance Abuse Epidemic
America’s opioid epidemic has led to the deadliest drug crisis in U.S. history. In 2015, opioid abuse was responsible for more deaths than the number of Americans killed by car crashes and gun homicides combined. This represents only a small portion of one of the greatest public health issues of our time – substance abuse. […]
Transforming Canadian Healthcare with Cognitive
Last month, British Columbia, Canada’s westernmost province, launched Innovation Boulevard, the region’s first of its kind health technology accelerator, focused exclusively on the commercialization of medical technology. Supported through a partnership with IBM, this collaborative cluster of health technology companies, academic research labs, and health practitioners is creating new and powerful solutions to tackle some […]
“Augmented Intelligence” Principles for the Cognitive Era in Healthcare
It happens every day, in many cases without us even realizing it. Artificial intelligence is everywhere. It tracks our personal “data,” like the music we listen to and provides recommendations for similar songs and artists, it sees what groceries we shop for and recommends recipes, similar to those we’ve liked before. In many ways, AI […]
On Healthcare, Moonshots and Open Data
For decades, scientists, researchers, hospitals and clinics have been amassing a stockpile of information on cancer. This data takes many forms: medical texts and journals, patient records, medical images, genetic profiles and more. And it lives in many places — from highly structured digital databases to forgotten filing cabinets, owned by government agencies, insurance companies, […]
How Watson for Clinical Trial Matching is Accelerating the Screening Process
Innovation, by its nature is new, and having never been done before, is hard. To do something for the first time takes much more effort and concentration than when there is muscle memory, a process, precedent to follow. To do something innovative with multi stakeholder input – provider, pharma, technology – adds another dimension of […]
IBM Watson Health & Partners Tackle AI, Cognitive in Healthcare
HIMSS17 – Deriving greater value in healthcare is a perennial topic for anyone focused on digital health solutions that support patient-centered care. And when it comes to the migration toward value-based care, that train has long left the station. This was the overriding theme during an IBM Watson Health’s panel discussion during last month’s HIMSS17 […]
Cognitive Health Care: We Have Liftoff
It’s hard to believe it’s only been two short years since Watson Health first launched at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference. IBM understood the massive potential to bring the power of cognitive computing to healthcare in a meaningful way and it already has – empowering researchers, supporting clinicians bringing the power […]
How Watson Can Help Close Gaps in Care Among the NY Medicaid Population
Doctors and hospitals often do tremendous work when health problems are immediate, acute and episodic – think of the heart attack or the broken leg – but getting patients with more long-term, chronic problems to get and stay healthy is an enormous challenge. This difficulty is why chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension make up […]
Putting Watson to the Test for Cancer Care
As a practicing neuro-oncologist, I believe in a collaborative approach to cancer care – involving the patient, their family, caregivers and a variety of clinical specialists. The cancer journey is challenging in so many ways that “going it alone” just isn’t an option if your goal is the best possible outcome. And today, with the […]
How Knowledge-Based Analytics Can Drive Drug Discovery for Life Sciences
Data-driven analytics is far from a new concept in healthcare. From improving population health and disease management, to advancing precision medicine initiatives, data-driven analytics have laid the foundation for more targeted care for decades. But in today’s information-overloaded environment, where the data is only as powerful as the insights generated from it, the key actually […]