How Watson & Bluemix Helped Bring Our Ad Targeting Idea to Life
How crazy is it that a simple thought or thread of a conversation can develop enough momentum to change your life? We are a group of four friends and by profession, we are software developers. We have been working in the services industry for the past five years and programming has been our passion. A couple […]
The Next Grand Challenge: Computers That Converse Like People
Computer scientists have long dreamed of creating machines that can carry on free-wheeling conversations with people. So far, in spite of tremendous efforts in the field of speech recognition, natural language processing and other facets of artificial intelligence, even the most loquacious computers and smartphones are not yet great conversationalists. But that may change in […]
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Inside IBM: The Inventors Who Are Creating the Era of Cognitive Computing
How many times have you been raving about a great movie and, suddenly, you draw a blank on the star actor’s name? Don’t worry, it happens to everybody. Well, in the not-too-distant future, when you get hung up, you may get a timely assist from a computer—one smart enough to complete your sentences for you. […]
IBM’s Cognitive Computing Innovation Surges
IBM’s work in cognitive computing emerged as a major factor among the patents awarded to the company by the US. Patent and Trademark Office. More than 800 of IBM’s 7,355 2015 patents are related to cognitive computing, a 52% increase from the previous year. Last year, IBM announced that it has realigned its entire business […]
Revving Up the Driving Experience with Cognitive Computing
Within 10 years, a majority of the cars produced in the world will be connected to the Internet and many of them will be capable of driving themselves—ushering in a revolution in how we drive, maintain and insure our cars. The auto industry showed glimpses of the future at last week’s Consumer Electronics Show and […]
Pairing Cognitive Technologies with Sensors for Better Fitness and Health
How do we replace bad habits with good ones? In my view, it doesn’t help much for family members or physicians or politicians to try to bully or shame or regulate us into eating better or exercising more. As a doctor, I believe most people respond best to a smart, timely, and personalized “nudge” in […]
How to Combat the Diabetes Pandemic
Four years ago, I met a woman in Berlin who convinced me that the healthcare community had to change the way it was addressing diabetes. The woman and her two beautiful children, ages 2 and 5, both with diabetes, attended an awareness event Medtronic hosted at the German Parliament. She told me that there’s no […]
How Wearable Tech is Shaping Logistics and the Warehouse of the Future
Imagine a factory or warehouse where employees can work freely, no longer constrained by computer workstations or scanners that can act as chokepoints on a shop floor. With the aid of multiple, hands-free devices, workers would simply follow real-time updates and instructions that appear in their line of sight, allowing them to work smarter and […]
How Blockchain Will Transform Business and Society
The Linux operating system started as a gleam in the eye of a Finnish university student, Linus Torvalds, who simply wanted to find a better way to connect his new PC to his school’s computer system. Now it’s one of the underpinnings of the 21st century economy. Linux is all the proof we need of […]
Cognitive IoT: Making the Internet of Things Deliver for All of Us
The early visionaries of the Internet of Things, IBM’s thought leaders among them, foresaw a time when practically any physical object could be equipped with sensors and hooked up to the Internet to translate the physical world into digital information. They were focusing on factory assembly lines, electrical grids, automobiles, highways, buildings, and the like. […]
Emerging Technologies Play A Key Role in Combating Global Environmental Challenges
As the COP21 summit in Paris draws to a close this week, there’s reason for optimism that leaders from more than 150 countries will reach agreements aimed at heading off the more extreme effects of climate change. Many countries have pledged to address the problem and set concrete goals for doing so, adding to a […]
The Future of Knowledge Work: Turbocharging Expertise
The first serious computer program I wrote in high school was a basic “expert system” to help my dad, a judge in India, handle auto accident compensation cases. Back then, we imagined a world where expertise of all sorts could be captured in computer system, but, as you can imagine, I ran into all the […]