Smarter Planet
How An Accidental Discovery Led to a New, Highly Recyclable Plastic
Sunday marked the 48th annual celebration of Earth Day, the global event that celebrates the importance of environmental protection. This year, the Earth Day Network’s focus is to, “fundamentally changing human attitude and behavior about plastics and catalyzing a significant reduction in plastic pollution.” IBM, Polymer Chemist, Jamie Garcia, is doing more than her fair share […]
The Rise of Cognitive Business
By John E. Kelly III When the original Watson won on the TV quiz show Jeopardy in 2011, it was one computer tucked away in a room at IBM Research. Now it’s in our cloud, available anywhere. Back then, Watson consisted of a single software application powered by five core technologies. Today, it includes 28 […]
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How Necessity Is Driving Invention, a TED@IBM Talk
By Deepak Advani What is it that separates homo sapiens from our fellow animals? Psychologists, anthropologists, artists, zoologists and many other “ists” have proposed many different ideas, but as they have not reached a consensus, I feel free to offer my own opinion: it is invention that sets humans apart. “Language” is a popular proposal […]
A Major Advance in Nanotechnology Could Extend Moore’s Law
By Dario Gil IBM Research scientists launched the nanotechnology revolution when they designed the scanning-tunneling microscope in 1981, and our researchers have achieved numerous nanotech breakthroughs since then–including being the first people in the world to move single atoms. Now comes an advance that delivers on the promise of nanotechnology–potentially extending the life of Moore’s […]
Chasing the Sun with Cognitive Technology
By Steve Hamm IBM Chief Storyteller In the solar energy realm, nothing beats the drama and fun of the biennial Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, an 1800-mile race in solar-powered cars across the Australian outback. Teams from dozens of universities around the world compete for global bragging rights–combining precision teamwork with advances in software, electronics, materials […]
The Science of Selfies
By Casey Dugan “We can give you loads of data.” That’s what I said to IBM Senior Vice President of Solutions Portfolio and Research, John Kelly, III, when he asked why we installed a little “selfie” station in the lobby of the IBM Research Lab in Cambridge, Mass. I installed the simple system in April […]
Mapping a European Framework for the Digital Transformation of Industry
By Erich Clementi At a recent roundtable in Brussels on the Digital Transformation of Industry, hosted by Gunther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, I joined other European business leaders to discuss ways to energize the digital transformation of Europe’s industrial sector. Across Europe, digitalization raises the potential for increasing flexibility, efficiency, productivity, […]
Watson: An Incubator for Startups and Innovation
By Rob High IBM has long played a major role in Silicon Valley. We built a manufacturing plant there in 1943 and opened our IBM Research lab in San Jose in 1956–since then producing a string of technology breakthroughs including the first disk drive, the first data mining algorithms and essential advances in nanotechnology. My […]
Using Watson to Unleash the Power of Cognitive Commerce
By Deepak Advani Today’s news that IBM will open a Watson hub in San Francisco represents an exciting move that will allow us to continue working with hundreds of developers and dozens of start-ups in the Silicon Valley to advance our Watson cognitive computing platform. Now let me tell you why I’m particularly excited by […]
Ushering in an Era of Bring-Your-Own-Cloud-Apps
By Kevin Skapinetz A few years back, companies began listening to employees who wanted to bring their own devices (BYOD) to work. They established security policies to allow the use of personal devices for accessing company information anytime, anywhere. Not surprisingly, the workforce continues to look outside the corporate walls for new ways to get their jobs done and […]
Why Smart Companies Support Working Moms
By Colleen Arnold I’m a mother of two and have a husband with a demanding job. I also have outside interests and hobbies, and work as a Senior Vice President at IBM. It’s not always easy to balance it all but I feel fortunate to work at a company that values the unique capabilities and contributions of […]
Blockchain: It Really is a Big Deal
By Arvind Krishna Over the past two decades, the Internet, cloud computing and related technologies have revolutionized many aspects of business and society. These advances have made individuals and organizations more productive, and they have enriched many people’s lives. Yet the basic mechanics of how people and organizations forge agreements with one another and execute […]