Cognitive Computing
How Cognitive is Helping One Hospital Curb ‘Code Blues’
Preventable medical errors remain the third leading cause of death in the United States, despite tremendous investments in healthcare technology to improve care, standardize practices, and make choosing “the next best action” easier for healthcare professionals. In Canada, Code Blue, the term used for emergency medical intervention, is the second costliest type of acute care […]
Girding the Grid with Cognitive Computing
The electrical grid has become a network of billions of linked devices with highly complex energy and information flows. Add to this the elevated role of the consumer as a producer and you are looking at a massive volume, velocity and variety of data from smart meters, transformers, and substations that remains largely untapped. One […]
Transparency and Trust in the Cognitive Era
We are in the early days of a promising new technology, and of the new era to which it is giving birth. This technology is as radically different from the programmable systems that have been produced by the IT industry for half a century as those systems were from the tabulators that preceded them. Commonly […]
Cognitive Research Grows in Canada
Research is a key driver of how the world is shaped. It provides insight into society’s most important challenges and issues. It drives innovation, creates jobs, and contributes to the economy and the treatment and prevention of diseases. It also enhances our culture and diversity. Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario is one of Canada’s leading […]
BMW Hits the Fast Lane with IBM Cognitive
When it comes to our cars, drivers are asking for new features powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) and companies like IBM and BMW Group are answering their call. In fact, today we announced a new collaboration focused on exploring how Watson cognitive computing can personalize and enhance the driving experience. And when I […]
What it Will Take for Us to Trust AI
The early days of artificial intelligence (AI) have been met with some very public hand wringing. Well-respected technologists and business leaders have voiced their concerns over the (responsible) development of AI. And Hollywood’s appetite for dystopian AI narratives appears to be bottomless. This is not unusual, nor is it unreasonable. Change, technological or otherwise, always excites […]
Transforming Retail this Holiday Season with Cognitive Computing
Holiday shoppers have an infinite digital world of products available for viewing at their fingertips. Stepping into a brick-and-mortar store seems to have lost its appeal. In reality, 85 percent of customers still preferred to shop at physical store last year according to Time Trade. Though that’s positive news for brick-and-mortar retailers, many brands still […]
Canadian Military Healthcare Consortium Taps Analytics for More Comprehensive Research
Canada is the second largest country by land mass worldwide and is home to a significant military population: more than 60,000 serving members in the Canadian Armed Forces, 20,000 serving members in the Primary Reserve Forces, and more than 700,000 Veterans. The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) is a consortium of […]
How Cognitive & IoT are Transforming Businesses Large and Small
In what seems like the blink of an eye, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gone from an idea to a reality and its impact is being felt everywhere. Every day I am steeped in discussions about the transformative impact of the dynamic duo of IoT and cognitive technologies. These innovations extend all the way […]
Three Ways Cognitive Computing Can Transform Banks
Bank customers’ demands are increasing. They want more personalized experiences than banks can currently provide. Customers expect their financial services institutions to treat them like retailers do — with personalized interactions based upon such things as their lifestyles, place of residence, background and preferences. Relationship management has become essential. That’s just one of the findings […]
Tech Support of the Future Will Be Cognitive
Today, retail shoppers expect to get consistency in brand interactions across channels. Thanks to advances in technologies like Internet of Things, analytics, social media, and more, they have come to expect relevant and timely offers based on their online behavior, purchase history, and “in-the-moment” experience, as well as on more personal or social events, such […]
A Major Advance in Nanotechnology Could Extend Moore’s Law
By Dario Gil IBM Research scientists launched the nanotechnology revolution when they designed the scanning-tunneling microscope in 1981, and our researchers have achieved numerous nanotech breakthroughs since then–including being the first people in the world to move single atoms. Now comes an advance that delivers on the promise of nanotechnology–potentially extending the life of Moore’s […]