By Eddie Keal on 17 August, 2018

Retail Banks Must Get Smart With Artificial Intelligence

Retail banking is changing at a blistering pace. Online only challenger banks like Monzo have shot from 50,000 to 750,000 customers in little more than a year. Physical bank branches continue to close, meanwhile some 670 have already shut their doors this year, 879 last year, according to data from consumer rights organisation Which. Never, […]

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By Tony Morgan on 17 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence Bridges the Supply Chain Gap

Retail and consumer products companies continue to innovate in the area of customer engagement. It’s clear they believe if they don’t do this they’ll be left behind, or possibly even disrupted out of business altogether. At the same time, we continue to see significant investment in operations, including robotics and automation in distribution centres. But […]

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By Sreeram Visvanathan on 17 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence: New Possibilities for Government

Every company has customers that they care deeply about. Whether you are a retailer selling Italian furniture, an electronics company in China manufacturing the latest computer device, or an oil and gas company delivering oilfield services in Canada, customer is king. However, I would argue that the most important customer-company relationship is that between a […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 15 March, 2018

Top 5 Ecommerce Solutions Retailers Should Use in 2018

Retail has been changing dramatically over recent years, just this weekend I noticed another store in my local shopping centre has closed down. As consumers, we’re digitally savy, turning to our mobile phones to research items, purchase and expect goods to be on our door step within hours. Shoppers that buy both in-store and online have […]

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By Daniel Mallinson on 14 February, 2018

IoT and AI at Marwell Zoo: How to Build a Better Bed

What do queues, zoos, and machine learning have in common? Watson IoT, of course! Marwell Zoo is building better beds for their animals with IoT and machine learning. Using Watson IoT Platform, the park’s keepers are working in tandem with IBM, designing a better way to reduce energy consumption. All while creating a more comfortable […]

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By Sharon Bagshaw on 5 February, 2018

Going Beyond Digital Transformation: The Public Sector

In today’s data economy, people, devices and systems are generating the data points to provide more opportunities for insight and connection than ever before. Data forms the lifeblood of any organization across both the private and public sector. While resources are in short supply and the need for cost efficiency is on the rise, this […]

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By Daniel Mallinson on 18 October, 2017

Watson Summit London 2017: Highlights from the Festival of Disruption

Formula 1 cars, astronauts, more technology than you can poke a stick at and candy floss; lots of candy floss. These were just some of the highlights attendees were treated to at last week’s Watson Summit in London. In the five years that I’ve been working in the industry, I’ve honestly never seen so much […]

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