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By Andi Britt on 26 November, 2018

The moment is now: how HR will lead business growth in the AI era

Welcome to our HR Modernization Playbook: Tomorrow’s people – Why HR matters more than ever in the age of artificial intelligence. Digital transformation is happening faster than ever. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will redefine jobs, enhance employee productivity and accelerate workforce development. In fact, skills and culture – not technology – […]

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By Michael Conway on 23 November, 2018

Banking with personality

The future of banking is conversational People don’t stand for inconvenience these days. We buy everything from shoes to fridge freezers at the swipe of a screen. We stream films on the day of release and watch entire boxsets in one sitting. We don’t wait to catch up with friends in person – we send […]

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By Mark Davies on 26 November, 2018

The moment is now: how HR will lead business growth in the AI era

Welcome to our HR Modernization Playbook: Tomorrow’s people – Why HR matters more than ever in the age of artificial intelligence. Digital transformation is happening faster than ever. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will redefine jobs, enhance employee productivity and accelerate workforce development. In fact, skills and culture – not technology – […]

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By Dan Bailey on 9 November, 2018

Using AI to Transform the Customer Experience

What Can You Learn from the Past? The old cliché still holds true: if you don’t learn from history, then you’re likely to repeat your mistakes. But by digging into the past, you can uncover a wealth of insights to guide your next initiative—and this is especially true as companies aim to unlock the huge […]

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By Thomas Fleetham on 6 November, 2018

Football’s Must Win Game

Football is changing. Season ticket holders are getting older and digital disruption threatens the status quo and the traditional way fans view the beautiful game. With full stadiums and the continued growth in TV revenue no longer guaranteed, it is time for football clubs to harness the power of technology to enhance fan experience, without […]

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By Andreas Haimboeck-Tichy on 1 November, 2018

Cloud computing; is it the treatment for our over-burdened NHS?

Faced with a growing, maturing population and diminishing resources, it’s crunch time for the NHS. Rising patient numbers mean there’s more data to interpret, which puts a strain on ageing technology. Combine this with a public that expects faster, more secure, more personalised care, and something has to change. Under these pressures, the NHS struggles […]

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By Chris Nott on 22 October, 2018

Ensuring Trust in Government Services

Becoming Citizen-Driven The focus on the consumer driving digital disruption in commercial sectors has raised expectations of Government.  The whole of government is becoming citizen centric, and digitising government demands that today’s departments silos are spanned.  Government is becoming devolved and decentralised and the technical challenge is accentuated by the business change.  Citizen-centricity demands one […]

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By Chris Nott on 10 October, 2018

The Ethics of AI in Government

“How was the decision made?” The department’s minister and permanent secretary sat before a select committee looking into a recent tragedy. “The system made the decision using artificial intelligence,” came the reply.  The decision made was poor and had triggered a catastrophic sequence of events. “How did the system make the decision?” the chairman persevered.  […]

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By Bharat Bhushan on 19 September, 2018

Digital Transformation – How to Differentiate and Create Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era

Over 60 years, Information Technology (IT) industry has and continues to transform organisations through digitising and automating tasks and processes. Starting with simple mathematical operations, IT has now evolved to highly complex algorithms that, for example, can compute and predict national demand for utility consumption every few minutes. A by-product of automation is data – […]

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By Ian Baker on 18 September, 2018

The government AI project has already begun

Public sector bodies around the world are already reaping the rewards of investing in AI technology. Originally published in NewStatesmen. By Ian Baker. The promise of artificial intelligence is no longer a nebulous concept on the horizon. The private sector is already exploiting its possibilities, and governments are following suit. We use the broad term […]

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By Ali Davis on 17 September, 2018

AI can help media companies gain competitive edge. It’s do or die!

Fundamentally, media and entertainment companies thrive by engaging audiences. However, in a world where, on average, adults check their phones 150 times per day, a frequency that rises to 300 times for teenagers* (*Director TV Personalisation, Sky UK, Sept 2018), true engagement – where the audience is invested in the experience and keen to return […]

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By Russell Johns on 12 September, 2018

AI: If it’s not in your call centre, how are you delivering the best customer service?

Here are a few tips on where to invest and how to get started with AI Be in no doubt, Artificial Intelligence is here, and it is changing everything, augmenting humans to achieve and deliver more. The reality is that AI is impacting our lives in many ways every day, sometimes visible, mostly unseen, and […]

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By Andrew Crisp on 28 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence: a Step Change in Customer Engagement

Experience. It’s been the buzzword on everyone’s lips for some time.  Media and entertainment (M&E) companies want to create new content, make it available anywhere, anytime (sometimes real time) and make it personal.  Telecom businesses want to offer a different set of services, move away from commodities, and in doing so set themselves apart with […]

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By Andrew Wilcock on 22 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence to Analytics: How Wimbledon Extracts Value from Data

From artificial intelligence to analytics, Wimbledon has pioneering the use of technology to improve the fan and player experience. At the start of July, the grass was mown, the strawberries were picked and the AELTC was once again welcoming the world to SW19. Behind the scenes, we were busy too. Over 4 million match statistics were collected as […]

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By Eddie Keal on 17 August, 2018

Retail Banks Must Get Smart With Artificial Intelligence

Retail banking is changing at a blistering pace. Online only challenger banks like Monzo have shot from 50,000 to 750,000 customers in little more than a year. Physical bank branches continue to close, meanwhile some 670 have already shut their doors this year, 879 last year, according to data from consumer rights organisation Which. Never, […]

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