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By Agnieszka Bruyère on 4 May, 2022

Trusted cloud in regulated industries – addressing resiliency needs of Financial Institutions

The next generation cloud offering should match the needs of EU businesses and public organizations, empowering them to run mission-critical workloads aligned to their business processes especially in regulated industries. At IBM, we work tirelessly to enable exactly that. How IBM ensures continuous compliance posture management, aligned with the requirements from global regulators Liam Benham, […]

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By Prakash Pattni on 7 April, 2022

Unlocking the full potential of the fintech revolution

The Innovate Finance Global Summit taking place this week in London brings together a buzzing community of fintechs of all sizes alongside more establish financial institutions and technology companies. Amid the panels and roundtable discussions and other conversations I took part in, it was clear that the pace of change in the industry is undeniable. […]

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By Dr. Nicole Mather on 4 May, 2022

Trusted cloud in regulated industries – addressing resiliency needs of Financial Institutions

The next generation cloud offering should match the needs of EU businesses and public organizations, empowering them to run mission-critical workloads aligned to their business processes especially in regulated industries. At IBM, we work tirelessly to enable exactly that. How IBM ensures continuous compliance posture management, aligned with the requirements from global regulators Liam Benham, […]

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By Krishnan Padmanabhan on 10 March, 2022

Unpicking Digital Transformation: 5 themes to leapfrog the competition

We had the privilege of a visit by Suresh Vishwanathan, COO TSB, to IBM’s new offices at Waterloo, London. Suresh, armed with both a wealth of business experience and a deep understanding of technical transformation, has an unparalleled track record as a pioneer of digital reinvention. From his days at Citibank where he pioneered the […]

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By Robert Manson-Sawko and others on 16 February, 2022

With the spread of airborne pathogens, where you sit when using mass transit matters

New research into how aerosols move through the air could help reduce the spread of diseases, such as COVID-19, providing insights into the ventilation requirements of public transport, healthcare facilities, and workplaces. On a regular day, whether you’re at home, at work, or out socializing, it’s highly likely that you’ll come face-to-face with someone else […]

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By Steve Freshwater and Skip Snyder on 24 January, 2022

Pandemic-driven changes bring Factory of the Future into the present

As we begin 2022, two years since the onset of COVID-19, it is clear that technologies like AI, IoT and hybrid cloud have been critical levers to help businesses achieve sustainability, resiliency, and agility in light of massive disruption. As social distancing kept workers at home, smart connectivity and the insights gathered can help scale […]

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By Richard Davies on 15 December, 2021

Manufacturing 4.0 meets Defence 4.0

The UK Manufacturing industry is in the midst of a transformation, often termed ‘Manufacturing 4.0’, which is enabled by the seamless digital management of assets through a life cycle, from product concept and design to manufacturing through to operations and retirement. Defence is on the cusp of an even bolder transformation, headlined in the UK […]

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By Chris Nott and others on 10 December, 2021

Defense Simulation Analytical Service

The need for trusted decision making IBM and Red Hat presented a concept demonstrator at last week’s I/ITSEC 2021 conference in Orlando.  The Defense Simulation Analytical Service (DSaS) allows commanders in operations centers to make trusted decisions at the speed of relevance across air, land, maritime, space and cyber domains, based on open source information. […]

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By Ian Lithgow on 24 June, 2021

Building a “future of work” that works

Building a “future of work” that works   “In these unprecedented times”: the words as familiar as the pandemic by now, thanks to the radical and accelerated pace of change we’re living through. Work is changing. Technology is changing. And so are we. While Covid 19 has undoubtedly served as an accelerant, businesses have grappled […]

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By Chris Nott and Richard Davies on 8 June, 2021

Defence data – a new strategic asset

Much of defence is populated by a fragmented heritage of legacy solutions.  Data, process and associated organisations are frequently siloed.  This is one of the major inhibitors to realising the vision of integrating defence domains so that services can operate as one, not just nationally but in coalition. The support chain legacy Engineering and Asset […]

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By Joy Macknight on 19 April, 2021

Managing Regulations and Risk in Financial Services: Exploring the benefits of a hybrid cloud environment

Managing Regulations and Risk in Financial Services: Exploring the benefits of a hybrid cloud environment. Banks have ramped up adoption of cloud technology in the past few years, fuelled by greater understanding of the technology and changing regulations in many jurisdictions, as well as its deployment by the challenger banks, which has proved in practice […]

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By Anthony Day on 3 February, 2021

Privacy Preserving Health Credentials Can Help Get Us Back to Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated the need for public and private sector organisations to rethink their use of shared spaces to help keep employees and citizens safe. As we move forward toward not only a return to the workplace but the return to ‘normal’, the use of health credentials – for example a credential […]

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By Sam Missingham on 22 January, 2021

Read it here first; what Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment can learn from the transformation of the book industry

As someone who has tracked the digital transformation of the book business for 12 years, I have always kept an eye on the wider trends across other entertainment industries. My personal view is, with the consumer at the heart of all of our businesses, there is always plenty to learn from each other. IBM have […]

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By Jeremy Bassinder on 15 January, 2021

How COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation – and how to stay ahead in 2021

The disparity between digital haves and have-nots has never been greater, but it’s never too late to innovate. The mounting pressure for businesses to fast-track their digital transformation journeys was kicked into overdrive in 2020. While the bell has long been chiming for businesses to rapidly adapt, harness the power of data and streamline their […]

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By Sharad Somanchi on 18 December, 2020

Let’s get personal: CX transformation to a segment of 1

There are broadly three intertwined factors that are driving transformation in customer experience in 2020. And, while wrestling with the complexity behind such change can be daunting, the upside for businesses who get it right can in itself be transformational. The first driver here is customers themselves. In a year that has accelerated online interaction […]

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