IBM THINK 部落格致力於記錄快速發展的認知運算世界。內容匯集 IBM 主管、專家、研發人員以及各行各業的學者專家組成,前瞻思維內容提供您關鍵並具備破壞性創新的洞察,包含雲端運算、資料與人工智能、物聯網、區塊鏈等。

此部落格遵循 IBM 社群傳播規範,由台灣 IBM 公司經營管理團隊編輯管理。

The IBM THINK Blog is dedicated to chronicling the fast-moving world of cognitive computing. Authored by IBM business and technical leaders, researchers and scientists, as well as academics and experts across industries, the thought leadership content within IBM THINK Blog provides insights into pivotal and disruptive technologies, such as cloud, data & AI, Internet of Things, blockchain and more.

The blog follows IBM’s Social Computing Guidelines. Managing Editor Committee of the IBM THINK Blog Taiwan is IBM Taiwan Management Team.