Redefining Business and Security. Come see us at the Watson Amsterdam Summit on June 14
Cognitive technology is transforming sectors, companies and professions – and it’s happening right now! On June 14, at the Watson Amsterdam Summit, we’ll be taking a very close look at what this means for security. As a CISO you need to help facilitate innovation, right? You cannot watch and wait, while your competitors press ahead […]
GDPR: get your business case right!
Last month in London, I had the unique chance to speak with one of the people who helped lay the foundation for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the new European data privacy legislation. John Bowman was head of the delegation to the Council of the European Union’s Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection […]
Why you need the right insights to retain your clients
“A dissatisfied client is a loyal client”. Even the most accepted theories of CRM might be not applicable to your organization´s situation and Data Scientists can discover such fascinating insights from your data. The massive volumes of data represent opportunity to acquire information and make an organization much more intelligent and adaptable. It enables us […]
The power of combining data science tools applied to Internet of Things in freight
How data science enabled a freight company to get its containers back in order. Data Science is exploratory by nature. You therefore want access to the widest possible range of algorithms, libraries and flexible tools that can handle multiple types of data. But also you do not want to forget that much value can come […]
Unexpected consequences of the weather on your shelves
It’s impossible to change the colour of the sky. However, thanks to weather analytics, companies can now curb the effects of climatic events. Here’s how. Climatic conditions naturally affect demand for products and services. They can also entail costly consequences, such as shortages or excesses of stock. Here too, digitisation, analytics and Big Data is […]
Mijn ransomware relaas: Hoe twee muisklikken bijna een bedrijf om zeep hielpen
De recentelijke, grootschalige ransomware aanval WannaCry2 wist tot maar liefst 99 landen door te dringen en maakte alom slachtoffers. In Groot-Brittanië werden enkele ziekenhuizen zelfs gehinderd bij hun ‘core business’ en moesten bijvoorbeeld operaties uitstellen. Dit toont maar weer eens aan hoe ingrijpend ransomware kan zijn, en dat niemand veilig is. Onze Ransomware Response Guide […]
Watson and Cybersecurity: The big data challenge
Security is increasingly seen as a big data issue. The challenge these days is less about noticing that something isn’t right. The security landscape in 2016 was rocked with over 4 billion compromised records exposed. X-Force observed that tried and true methods like SQL injection, brute force attacks, malware toolkits and ransomware continue to be […]
Datagroei vraagt om intelligent platform
Een van de meest in het oog springende kenmerken van het digitale tijdperk is onze veranderde omgang met data. Symbool voor deze veranderingen is het datagebruik van de mobiele telefoon. Enkele jaren geleden kon je er foto’s mee maken, maar de kwaliteit en de bestandsgrootte waren beperkt. Je kon er trouwens weinig anders mee dan […]
IBM named a leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for full life cycle API management solutions
Gartner has named IBM a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management*. This honor comes after a year of significant growth, investment and innovation, all of which come together to benefit you, the customer. With the new Connect to Cloud offer and program around API Connect, we are bringing API […]