
The storage solution of the century

  Data is in increasing becoming an issue for the CIO. This has everything to do with the changing nature – and quantity – of the data to be stored. More and more data is flowing in in from everywhere in every form. These days, data is the new gold for companies. On the one […]

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Ready or not: CMOs can’t ignore cognitive computing

The answer to marketers’ prayers or one of the most disruptive force their field faces. Either way, cognitive computing is changing the game in marketing ‒ and CMOs know it. They expect their organizations’ cognitive spend to increase within the next three years and have high expectations that it will pay off. There is just […]

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The two-way street of forecasting and collaboration

There are many ways that predictive analytics, in the form of business forecasting, can provide a competitive advantage but a key potential benefit of improved forecasting is collaboration. Forecasting can help to improve business and financial processes and results. Vast amounts of data are used for corporate forecasting, which leads to a stronger collaboration between […]

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The four features of the new era of CPM identified by Nucleus

Companies have started looking for new Corporate Performance Management (CPM) solutions, as the idea of CPM as an add-on to ERP solutions or as an extension of analytics tools has become outdated. The analysts of Nucleus have studied CPM software for many years and they have identified, what they call, CPM 2.0. Adopting these new, […]

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Cognitive start with migration to the cloud with VMware

IBM has traditionally focused strongly on genuine technology innovation. Within IBM, we sometimes tend to get lost sketching visions and prospects. While this is both valuable and extremely important, many of the current challenges of CIOs and IT managers tend to be rather basic. Take the migration of your own company’s center. This may sound […]

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Blockchain, from hype to reality.

Well, a year+ ago, one of the latest and greatest hypes in IT was blockchain. And, as always with new IT trends, it took a while to get from the hype into a real-life production environment. First things first, blockchain, a quick refresh. To start off; it’s not a product, like the internet isn’t a […]

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What you need to know about the hybrid cloud

  The hybrid cloud enables organizations to seamlessly address the desires and requirements of the business. Newcomers and existing companies apply the IT model in diverse sectors to be able to operate quicker, more flexibly and cheaper based on new technologies. In spite of the many advantages, for those responsible for IT and the business, […]

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Automated to the cloud

In these times of transformation, everything revolves around reconfiguring processes: welcome to the world of distributed clouds, cognitive applications and let us not forget smart possibilities for managing new environment using automated tools. Companies are increasingly using multi-cloud strategies, to accelerate innovation and to give their businesses new forms. The average corporate organization already uses […]

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Technology Considerations to Make ITaaS Live Up to Its Promise

IT-as-a-service (ITaaS) was originally based on the idea that the purchase of enterprise technology could be treated as a commodity across all areas: hardware, software and support. Based on this financial perspective, executives imagined that IT could quickly become a completely rationalized and predictable cost that minimized capital investment while providing best-in-breed capabilities. And, as […]

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