Seth Dobrin
Seth Dobrin, PhD
Vice President, IBM Data and AI and CDO IBM Cloud Computing and Cognitive Software
Putting Diversity to Work in Data Science
Gender diversity of data scientists has been cited as an issue by many sources. According to The Burch Works Study of Data Scientists, only 15% of data scientists are female and the percentage of females in data scientist manager roles (<10%) is much less than that of early professionals (> 20%). This data is consistent […]
Helping Data Science Flourish – One Client at a Time
By now, in 2018, most enterprises have established some type of program to utilize math to help them make money. For many this means taking advantage of data science, or more specifically, machine learning. But despite seemingly widespread adoption, some studies show that more than two-thirds of these companies are failing to realize value from […]
Unifying Data Governance for the Future
Mastering fast-growing data volumes across the enterprise is one of the first and most critical steps in establishing a cognitive business. To do it requires adopting advanced analytics that enable an organization to better understand and control its data, but also to gain insights that set the stage for driving new business models. But for […]