
Cloud Expo Europe 2019: Tips and Tech Talks

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Why attend Cloud Expo Europe? According to research from Ovum, while 20 percent of business processes have already moved to the cloud, 80 percent of mission-critical workloads and sensitive data are still running on-premises because of performance and regulatory requirements. As they enter the next phase of their cloud journey, many organizations will be moving away from “one cloud fits all”.

Not every workload is a candidate for the public cloud. Businesses will increasingly drive value from the integration of public and private clouds as they seek to get the most out of their cloud investments by taking a hybrid multicloud approach. A hybrid multicloud environment uses a combination of on-premises, private cloud and public cloud architecture, with best-in-class resources from different cloud vendors.

Businesses tell us they need an open standards approach to cloud which entails developing, running and deploying applications in a multi-cloud environment, regardless of vendor or technology.  Some companies are already running cloud from between five and 16 cloud vendor.  Organisations need hybrid and multicloud environments comprised of the right tools and infrastructure to help get their jobs done more efficiently.

At Cloud Expo on 12 & 13th March, IBM Cloud subject matter experts will be sharing tips and delivering 15 minutes  Tech Talks to help businesses overcome the complexity of managing multiple clouds and moving mission critical workloads applications in a multicloud environment.  Join us to continue into the next phase of your cloud journey.

On the IBM Stand C2140, there is a fantastic line up of subject matter experts delivering 15 minute TED style talks on the IBM stand EVERY half an hour, starting at 10am.

DAY 1 – Tuesday 12th March

Time Session Title
10:00 Beyond Chatbots with Watson Assistant
10:30 Accelerating Agile Development
11:30 Unlocking the value of APIs in the Economy
Journey To Cloud
12:30 The IBM Cloud Garage – Innovation at the speed of ideation
13:00 Simplifying Continuous delivery on IBM Cloud with Containers
13:30 Unlock new insights with IBM Watson Discovery
14:00 IBM Services for Cloud
14:30 Migration to Cloud made easy
15:00 Why 1000s move their VMware workloads to IBM Cloud
16:00 Practical thoughts for Cloud Transformation
16:30 Managing Business Applications in Multicloud World

DAY 2 – Wednesday 13 March

Time Session Title/Synopsis
10:00 Financing your journey to Cloud – with IBM Global Financing
Infrastructure transformation with Object Storage
11:30 Building from IoT to Transforming Healthcare on IoMT
Ochestrated Cyber Recovery
12:30 Every Second Counts – Cyber Resilience
13:00 Thrive in a Multicloud World
13:30 Escape the app-pocalypse with IBM App Connect
14:00 Enabling Application Modernisation with VMware in cloud
14:30 Agile Management in a Hybrid Multicloud World
15:00 Digital automaton in the cloud
Supporting Open Source Software


*schedule subject to change

Be sure to visit the IBM stand C2140, arrive early to grab a comfy seat in our silent theatre.

Many of the presenters will be sharing tips and trial offers to help you thrive in a multicloud environment whether you are cloud native or migrating workloads to the cloud.

Get a Single-node trial for Migration and Application Modernization

Opportunities to discuss 1-1 with IBM are available at our ‘ask the expert’ stations, and we would encourage you to sign up in advance for a more in-depth discussion.


Marketing Manager, IBM Cloud

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