Prototyping the future

Oväntad samverkan gav toppresultat

Vad får du om du under en heldag sammanför CMO:er, CIO:er och IBM:are med 50 designers, utvecklare, artister och teknikgurus? Svaret är en fruktbar krock, där mötet mellan marknadsföring och teknik gav spännande och konkreta resultat. På köpet vann vi utmärkelsen Gyllene Hjulet för Årets event B2B med motiveringen ”… mötet utgjorde en ny kreativ […]

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Prototyping the future – a disruptive leap in to the unknown, and back again….

I usually blog in my native language but I will write this post in English as the day, called ”Prototyping the Future”, was conducted in English from start to end. The world is changing, the rules of client engagement has changed in the last couple of years and even though we change the way we […]

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"On Thursday – we will prototype the future!"

On Thursday November 8th, IBM and Protothon will invest a full day in a unique meeting, a meeting between technology and marketing. As some of you might know, I often write and talk about how we live and operate in a rapidly changing world with a racing technology development and an increasing need for innovation. […]

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Prototyping the future

I’m Joe Coppard, co-founder of Protothon. For the last 8 years I have been working between the fields of art, design, technology and communication forging a path guided by ideas and people, brands and universities. A fascinating route that has led me to work with bold, humbling and incredibly talented individuals and institutions. Throughout this […]

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