An update on the IBM Malmö refugee project

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A month has passed since we launched the IBM Malmö Refugee Project. I am proud to report that we now have between eight and ten IBMers on site in Malmö, delivering hundreds of hours of humanitarian work, every week.

Due to the recent introduction of stricter border controls, we have been concentrating our efforts to two locations:

IBM medarbetare på plats

Red Cross and IBM staff at Malmömässan

The Malmö Central station and the convention center Malmömässan. Unfortunately, the situation at Malmömässan can only be described as chaotic. The lack of resources, supplies and equipment is huge and the facilities are not built to match the current needs.

This initative is a ”one of a kind” project for many reasons. It was established within a couple of days after the idea was born, and IBM consultants are taking turns in travelling to Malmö in order to contribute and gain perspective in the situation.

In Malmö, we are in addition to the work on Malmö Central and Malmömässan, supporting the International Red Cross organisation with administrative work at their office. Furthermore, we have  extended our work to support ”Refugees Welcome” on their initiatives. Our initial intention was to support until the year end, but with the first month behind us, I am glad to confirm that we will be able and ready to continue this project also after the Christmas holidays – without a fixed end date.

Olle Andersson, Nordic Leader and Vice President, Global Business Services

Olle Andersson, Nordic Leader and Vice President, Global Business Services

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