
On the password paradox and authentication innovation

Chances are that the device on which you’re reading this blog was accessed through one form of authentication or the other. One of the most wide-spread of those methods are passwords. They’ve become such an integral part of our lives that we often don’t think about them anymore. However, danger lurks right around the corner […]

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IBM App geeft ultieme golfervaring tijdens #KLMOPEN golftoernooi

In samenwerking met TIG Sports heeft IBM een innovatieve mobiele App ontwikkeld om bezoekers een nieuwe en nóg betere kijkerservaring te bieden tijdens KLM Open 2015. De app biedt iedereen direct toegang tot een volledig interactieve kaart van de Kennemer golfbaan, inclusief interessante locaties, spelersinformatie en een ranglijst met scores. Via de app kan men op […]

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Take care!

Mentioning Mobile, most people tend to think of the pretty little devices they sometime use to make a phone call. And of course very right so. On the other hand, you see the introduction of many other mobile devices you can’t make a phone call with, even if you would like to. The most recent […]

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Data, on the move…

We know it all, data is the new oil and what makes the world go round. We express the amount of  data in Bytes, and the prefix has gone up until Terra if we talk disk space in households and Peta in many companies. To put it in perspective: Terra is a 1 with 12 […]

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The wrITing on the wall

In my last column I described PresenceInsight, a system developed by IBM Research to track mobile devices anonymously within  a designated area. Some of the readers reacted with the obvious remarks about privacy. Although PresenceInsight is anonymous (tracking only the MAC address of the mobile device and not personal information) the question surfaced that if […]

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