customer experience

Banking on empathy

Suppose you’re owning a small boutique wine shop and have gone through two difficult years because of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the pandemic seems to be on its way back, it is time to revitalize the shop. And this causes direct a huge challenge: the wine stock needs to be replenished but you have used […]

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Digitale transformatie: onderzoek bij 475 professionals geeft drie bevindingen

Het optimaliseren van de customer experience is een continu proces. Het is een digitale reis van het applicatielandschap zonder eindpunt. Een weg met om elke hoek een mogelijke hobbel, afslag of omleiding. Welke transformatieroute volgen andere organisaties? Welke lessen kun je daaruit trekken?   Onderzoek naar de modernisering van enterprise applicaties Forrester Consulting deed in […]

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Architect the customer experience in today’s API economy

In today’s digital economy, business and technology leaders are taking the challenge head-on to be competitive in the market.   The main challenge: pushing innovation to the edge, and allowing everyone in the organization to innovate while still protecting brand and design for long-term sustainability. How do you remain innovative by bringing the latest app or […]

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