Artificiële Intelligentie: Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor de overheid

(reading time 5 minutes) Ontdek de visie van Sreeram Visvanathan, IBM Global Managing Director, Government. Elk bedrijf heeft klanten waar ze veel om geven. Of u nu een retailer bent die Italiaanse meubels verkoopt, een elektronicabedrijf dat de modernste apparatuur maakt, of een olie- en gasbedrijf bent of een bank, de klant is koning. Maar […]

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AI & Industry 4.0 beyond the hype : putting AI into practice

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a real value driver for organizations. As the power of algorithms, computing and amounts of data surge, companies within manufacturing and industry start to see an increasing amount of use cases. These systems could drive efficiency and enhance capability. But also automatize tasks, decrease costs and improve revenue. Success and […]

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How to turn the right mental knobs to change the way people (want to) work

Introduction Hi, I am Sarah Zheng, a cognitive business consultant at IBM in Amsterdam. In this role, I advise clients on how they can leverage the power of AI-technologies to improve their business processes. In this blog series, I want to give you my vision on why many projects where new technologies are introduced, fail […]

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Gaan AI en Machine Learning echt het verschil in marketing maken?

Je kunt vandaag niet over marketing praten zonder dat het gesprek leidt naar artificial intelligence (AI) of machine learning (ML). Ooit aangeprezen als een wondermiddel voor gegevensverzameling, analyse en klantenservice, zijn slimme marketeers de onderliggende techniek al gaan gebruiken om menselijke intelligentie te versterken. Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) blijft marketingprofessionals verleiden. We worden als marketeers gedreven […]

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How technology supports the best people flow experience at KONE

Manufacturers increasingly add digital components to their traditional products. This is usually on the basis of sensors within the hardware, which generate data about for example the functioning, use and condition of maintenance. KONE, manufacturer of lifts and escalators goes even further. They combine this data flow with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Not only in […]

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Keeping quality high while lowering process costs with AI & IoT in Manufacturing

As profit margins shrink and consumer expectation rise, it’s for manufacturers more important than ever to optimize for quality in their operation. Fortunately, quality management technology has made huge advancements in recent years. Today organizations within manufacturing and their leaders can easily embrace available AI and IoT enabled solutions. This allows to detect quality issues early […]

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Chocolate – much more than a matter of good taste

Whenever there is a moment to celebrate, or when we want to show our beloved ones our special attention – no doubt, tasty chocolate is the first and best choice. These high quality cacao products may be made in Belgium or the Netherlands. But an extensive chain of production and processing precedes the final product. […]

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Lexus Europe maakt de meest intuïtieve autoreclame ter wereld met IBM Watson

Volgens één van de grootste filmmakers aller tijden, Alfred Hitchcock, heb je slechts drie dingen nodig om een geweldige film te maken “… het script, het script en het script.” Maar wat gebeurt er als je een met een Oscar bekroonde regisseur een script geeft dat helemaal door artificiële intelligentie is geschreven? Het resultaat is […]

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Struggling with Artificial Intelligence?

Wondering how Artificial Intelligence (AI) really works? Do you feel like it is just a black box which, when asked, magically comes up with an answer? Do you trust the so called “black box”? Recently this article appeared in the dutch newspaper The Telegraaf about Ethics and AI. It touched the discussion on how algorithms […]

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