Today Big Data and Analytics is everywhere for everyone
Analytics have been around for some time now in the business world, it all started when long lists of figures were produced by mainframes which were then analysed by number crunchers trying to make sense and some business value out of it all. Thanks to the rise of the desktop machines and spreadsheet programs everything […]
Feeling proud and exited about IBM’s High Performance Computing capabilities again
One of the things I always felt proud about at IBM were it’s High Performance Computing (HPC) capabilities. In the 00’s IBM was significantly present in that market. The BlueGene supercomputer was famous for it’s sheer compute power. It was a very well designed system, for it’s processors were only running at 700 MHz. The […]
Developing cloud based services and apps the easy way
Developers get ready: this is the only platform you need from now on. IBM Bluemix is an open source platform that offers a wide range of of-the-shelf tools and API’s. You pick and choose, mix and match to create mobile or web based services and applications just the way you want it. Businesses come big […]
IBM Aspera: good stuff!
For all of my sins, I have too many hobbies. I like to listen to analogue music, love to read, hike, bike and run (not simultaneous) and am interested in astronomy. Astronomy, not astrology spelled with the ‘l’ as in lying. Space travel and NASA’s missions to the moon and planets always interested me. It […]
What will successful organizations look like in the cognitive era?
Imagine, you enter the office on a Monday morning and you find the robot sitting next to you. First things first. You are keen to get your morning coffee. You ask the robot: “Good morning robot, what coffee would you suggest today?” Based on what you always drink, the day of the week and today´s […]
RAMLAB brengt hardware, software en data samen
RAMLAB, dat 3D-printing van metalen onderdelen voor de maritieme en offshore sector mogelijk maakt, is een uniek initiatief. In 2016 gestart als een pilot en met steun vanuit het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam officieel van start gegaan. Eén van de doelstellingen: een geheel op 3D-printing gericht ecosysteem opzetten. Het idee van RAMLAB (Fieldlab Rotterdam Additive Manufacturing) past […]
Machines zijn er om de mens te helpen
Computers en robots kunnen straks meer dan wij ooit voor mogelijk hebben gehouden. Moeten we daar bang voor zijn of niet? Machines zijn er altijd geweest om de mens te ondersteunen en er is geen enkele reden om aan te nemen dat dat in de toekomst zal veranderen. Sterker nog, we worden straks beter geholpen […]
3D-metaalprinter leert nadenken
Om innovatief te zijn en competitief te blijven in een wereldmarkt is werken in ecosystemen cruciaal. Haven van Rotterdam omarmt die gedachte door startup-initiatieven te stimuleren en ondersteunen. Bijvoorbeeld het bedrijf RAMLAB, dat gespecialiseerd is in het 3D-printen van hoogwaardige stalen scheepsonderdelen. Financieel gesteund door het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam zijn diverse partijen betrokken, die allemaal van […]
To improve your planning, you need more than just spreadsheets
A trending buzzword in business is now “Strategic planning”. What dominates today’s planning practice is the use of methods that are prone to errors and that don’t take full advantage of modern analytics capabilities. Usage of simple spreadsheets does not allow seamless access to relevant data and proper insights, but often leave decision makers […]