
Increasing your resiliency in cybersecurity

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Cyber safety first.

Organizations within the financial industry are popular targets of cyber attackers. Insurers process large amounts of financial data and personal information from their customers. A breach can seriously damage a company’s reputation, while trust is a prerequisite for a financial company to be in business.

Excessive caution constrains legitimate activity, impacting the bottom line and customer engagement. Too little caution is also costly, and not just financially. Customers trust that an organization will safeguard their data, and it’s imperative that organizations meet this expectation.

We can help to further strengthen security practices to the desired level and propose the following four initial steps:

  1. Participate in a data breach simulation at the IBM X-force Command Cyber Tactical Operations Center. The entire IT team can come and experience a live training simulation. All team members have the opportunity to test their own response to the situation.
  2. Conduct a cybersecurity assessment. With this assessment, IBM security consultants will help you gain visibility into your current state of risk exposure and security maturity, and will advise on required organizational, process, and technological transformations.
  3. Improve the security operations center. To improve the security operations center (SOC), IBM will build a world-class version, from plans through to rollout, and optimize your security operations center with in-depth analysis and strategic recommendations. This can be combined with an in-depth analysis and testing of your SOC. Our X-Force Red team of veteran hackers simulates an advanced attack, using the same tools, techniques, practices and mindset as attackers. The objective is to measure how well your SOC security controls and processes detect and respond to an attack and help fix any gaps.
  4. Recover faster. The services offered by the X-Force IRIS team are designed to help you before, during and after a breach so you recover faster.

In 2021 we offer you the opportunity to bring your team virtually together in one place. Command Center facilitators work with you to develop virtual experiences that can help train your team remotely. If you are interested in working with the team of the IBM X-force Command Cyber Tactical Operations Center drop us note, mailto:


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