
Innovation that matters, a perspective;

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IBM announced on January 9, 2018 its 25th consecutive year of U.S. patent leadership, with over 9,000 patents in 2017. If I take this into perspective this means more than 105.000 patents in 25 years of tenure. Over the past several decades we have witnessed the use of technology and IT capabilities from specialized applications. We invented the mainframe and have helped to put the first man on the moon. The first desktop computer, Lasik eye laser technology that helps people to regain their sights and we still use, even today, Barcode technology on our products. The Scanning Tunnelling Microscope which allow scientists to see and manipulate individual atoms and we are now capable to store one bit of information on one atom which normally needs 100.000 atoms….to name a few.


Today, nearly half of our patents are pioneering advancements in AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing and Cyber Security and all are aimed at helping our clients and partners create smarter businesses. In a recent announcement from our CEO, President and Chairman Ginny Rometty says: ”IBM’s consistent patent leadership history is evidence that we are one of the most innovative companies in the world, and are attracting and cultivating top talent in the Tech industry” I fully endorse this message!

So, let me summarize, for your own convenience, some of the announcements we have made which shows our continues endeavour in the most important domains:


Artificial Intelligence

Computer systems that understands, reason, learn and interact with humans. Personally, I would encourage to use “Augmenting Intelligence” as a better definition; computer systems that supports humans for improved decision making. This year more than 50 % of all mobile applications will be supported by AI functionality. The IBM Watson AI platform is the leading business AI platform in the world with more than 50 API functionalities operational via IBM Cloud i.e. Text to speech, Speech to text, Tone analyzing, Sentiment analyses and many others all delivered thru Cloud Computing platforms. This year more than 1400 patents related to AI, including a system that addresses an AI’s lack of personalization by helping it analyze and mirror a user’s speech patterns to improve communication. Cognitive System to Manage Self Driving Vehicles. The market for partially and fully autonomous vehicles is expected to leap from nearly $42 billion in 2025 to nearly $77 billion in 2035 according to BGC. To tap into this growing market, IBM scientists patented a machine learning system that can shift control of an autonomous vehicle between a human driver and a vehicle control processor in the event of an emergency. This will act as a safety measure to help optimize vehicle control. When integrated correctly, these AI capabilities are designed solving a wide range of practical problems, boost human productivity and will help creating more innovative business models.


What the Internet did for the information society, Blockchain will do for transactions. All businesses are involved in transactions, whether it’s paying a vendor, selling goods, or trading stocks, among a multitude of other examples. When multiple parties are working together, challenges inevitably arise. One of the patents focuses on consolidating the number of transactions between parties via cost flow analysis so they are performed more efficiently and at a lower cost. We also donated several patents and source code to the Open Source community (Hyperledger) to enhance the acceptance of Blockchain technology in the industry.

Cloud Computing

The computer services delivery model for now and in the future whether it is public, private or a hybrid configuration. More than 1900 of IBM’s patents last year were related to the cloud, including a system that monitors data sources, including news feeds, network statistics, weather reports, and social networks, and applies that knowledge to local or world news events to forecast cloud resource needs. An approach to securely separate the data of different users in a Public or Hybrid Cloud environments

Quantum Computing

If you want to simulate nature, you need a Quantum Computer. We recently announced a 16/17 and 20 Qbit operational Quantum Computer, which operates on -273 degrees Celsius. Scientists, engineers, developers, clients, partners and academia can test their applications and algorithms on a real Quantum Computer to understand how they behave on this new platform; 60.000 users, 1,7 million experiments and 35 academic publications has been conducted so far. IBM also recently built and measured the first working 50 Qbit prototype processor which is a real breakthrough. IBM Engineers patented and developed a new way to improve a quantum computer’s ability to acquire and retain information, which could lead to fewer components being necessary to build a quantum computing system.

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. In a computing context: Security includes both cybersecurity and physical security. Cyber Security is one of the most important topics today in our digital society. More than 1200 patents related to cyber security, including an AI system that turns the table on hackers by baiting them into email exchanges and websites that waste their resources and block their attacks, potentially reducing the security risks associated with “phishing “emails and other attacks. An AI system to detect and counteract cyber attacks. A method to automatically enable security protections depending on the physical location of a mobile device.

Our focus remains on inventing and developing innovative technology with business impact, helping our clients solving their problems and remaining competitive in the marketplace. We will continue to deliver industry solutions, supported by AI capabilities, trained with client data, that remains in their ownership, supported, delivered and secured thru Cloud Computing technology. With all these new inventions we can make the world a bit safer, smarter and more sustainable.


Learn more on IBM patents >



IBM Chief Technology Officer Benelux - Distinguished Engineer & Reverse Historian

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