
Exponential Developing with Quantum Computing, You to the power of IBM!

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Continuous innovation and the increasing pace of today’s world create new challenges for professionals of almost every discipline. And although innovation can be a starting point for many of today’s challenges, more often a so-called super computer is required to evaluate the possible solutions to a challenge. It is expected that quantum computing will play a significant role here – a technology that researchers have been working on for years, now available to everyone through IBM’s Q Experience.

Quantum computing refresh
Quantum holds the future of computing and will become more powerful and efficient with every expansion of qubits. It will provide the mechanical movements and solution-creating capacities based on Mother Nature. It will for example have an impact in key industries: financial service companies will have new models at their disposal to isolate risk factors and make better investments, while the logistics industry will improve its efficiency of the global supply chain. Beyond specific industries, the technology can also accelerate artificial intelligence (AI) processes, by increasing the power of AI, and make cloud computing more secure through the laws of quantum physics. And in the challenge of solving society’s most difficult problems, quantum technology untangles the complexity of biological, molecular, and chemical interactions leading to the discovery of new agriculture methods and medicine. Need a quick refresh on quantum computing? We wrote about it before, check this blog.

Universal quantum applications for everyday solutions
The thing IBM desires most is Quantum’s universal applications; for every developer to access the open source and experiment with quantum computing. Through Qasm (open source platform for cloud computer) and Qiskit (SDK to explore IBM’s experimental cloud-enabled quantum computing platform using Python scripts) – IBM has made Quantum technology available for developers to encourage a flying wheel effect, so Quantum can be applied more frequently and effectively as a part of everyday solutions.


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