建立雲端架構需時 宜分散投資 容器技術如魚得水

(文章於2021年5月7日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 新冠肺炎對全球經濟造成巨大衝擊,卻也間接加快了企業數碼轉型的步伐,其中結合了私有雲(Private Cloud)和公有雲(Public Cloud)的混合雲(Hybrid Cloud)就成為不少企業在這股浪潮中所選擇的 IT 基建架構模式。 不少人誤以為,混合雲只是企業未能放棄私有基建以全面採用公有雲之下的妥協之舉。但事實上優質的私有基建在安全、管理效率、成本效益等方面均有過人之處,能與公有雲優勢互補,企業組建混合雲時不可忽視其作用。

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混合雲應用增 機密運算、量子安全加密、完全同態加密增企業信心

(文章於2021年3月31日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 有云「牛轉乾坤」,儘管今年的前景對企業而言或未明朗,但我們還是能作出一些技術相關的預測。 首先,即使是敏感和嚴格監管的行業也將繼續向混合雲轉移,但企業在過程中,需要採用多方面措施,應對安全威脅的不斷演變。而機密運算(Confidential Computing)、量子安全加密、完全同態加密(FHE,Fully Homomorphic Encryption)等安全技術將有助鞏固企業的信心。

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How HKTDC Reimagined Digital Sourcing In The Cloud

  The vulnerability of supply chains was put on full display when COVID-19 struck. It exposed the risks of global interdependence and the fragility of global supply chains.[1]

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Laying the Digital Foundation for Becoming an Innovative Insurer

How IBM’s ability to simplify IT service management with cloud freed AXA to accelerate its digital transformation, drive innovation, and reimagine their customer value proposition. For AXA Hong Kong and Macau (AXA), the market landscape was changing fast. A strong international customer base built by offering protection, wealth management, and retirement solutions was no longer […]

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企業重啟數碼轉型 配對初創力量可加速突破

(文章於2020年11月30日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 現時全球的政經局勢未算明朗,惟經濟周期循環不息,加上香港人擅長打「逆境波」,大家都相信,總會有雨過天晴的一天。 對於香港的營商環境而言,今年有兩項來自資訊科技範疇的利好因素。首先,政府將於今年稍後公布新版本的《香港智慧城市藍圖 》,繼續推動香港建設智慧城市的工作。此外,5G流動通訊服務也在香港推出。部分具前瞻性的本地企業,已在積極部署,希望借助上述因素,加快重回增長軌道。

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(文章亦同時被 Unwire Pro 引用) 近月保持社交距離成為全球共識,大家唯有盡情在家打機煲戲煲劇,帶動 Netflix 等網上影視服務的收視節節上升。 別以為網上播片是完美簡單生意。為同時收看的億萬觀眾提供滿意體驗,除了要有可處理高頻寛的世界級網絡基建,針對不同平台如電腦、手機、遊戲機、電視等,為數以萬計的影片進行編輯和轉碼(Transcoding)也是艱巨工程。雲運算在此發揮了不可或缺的作用。

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Why Ecosystems May Determine Your Business Success

“It takes a village to raise a child” — nothing can be further from the truth that this old adage regarding today’s businesses. Today’s companies are interconnected, not solitary islands. They engage with each other at different levels. Sometimes they are outright competitors, and other times they are partners. The term “co-petition” exists because every […]

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What is application modernization?

Achieving flexibility and portability requires a new approach to designing, building, and deploying applications—especially when addressing traditional applications, or “monoliths.” Technologies such as APIs, microservices, Kubernetes and containers are used to cloud-enable traditional applications, achieving portability, security, and scalability while meeting marketplace demands. Application modernization is a key step in your organization’s digital transformation and […]

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Taste the Feeling of Storage Efficiency

At Coca-Cola, satiating thirsty drinkers is a data-driven business. As a global total beverage company with over 500 brands and operating in over 200 countries, a relentless focus on data keeps the company efficient. 

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