
IBM Security Summit:以新時代思維推動保安創新

  創新要在安全的基礎上才能持續發展,保安也需要創新來應對日新月異的威脅。這是不久前舉行的 IBM Security Summit 以「Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security」所傳遞的訊息。

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IBM Security Summit: Security Innovation Needs New Era Rethink

Innovation and security are entwined. Sustainable innovation needs robust security, while security needs innovation to tackle evolving threats. It was the main takeaway at the IBM Security Summit titled “Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security.”

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IBM Security Summit:以新時代思維推動保安創新

  創新要在安全的基礎上才能持續發展,保安也需要創新來應對日新月異的威脅。這是不久前舉行的 IBM Security Summit 以「Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security」所傳遞的訊息。

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IBM 連續第八年獲評為 Gartner 亞太區魔力象限領導者

IBM 連續第八年被 Gartner Inc. 評為 2019年 Gartner 亞太地區數據中心和混合基礎架構管理服務魔力象限(Magic Quadrant)領導者。IBM 再次被評為執行能力最強的服務提供商。

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Be Cognitive or Risk Becoming Irrelevant

  What does JETCO have in common with global airline Cathay Pacific Airways? They are both on their way to becoming cognitive enterprises. But what is a cognitive enterprise?

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Setting the Groundwork for Collaborative Innovation in the Greater Bay Area

  Application programming interfaces (APIs) glue today’s modern IT infrastructure together. They allow organizations to interface with other systems and maximize on third-party platforms. APIs have driven the emergence of new economy companies in the likes of Airbnb, Grab, Uber.

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Cathay Pacific Takes Business Agility to New Heights with TAM

The airline industry is facing fresh new headwinds. Over the past years, the volume of passengers and cargo have spiked to new heights. Spurred by economic growth, globalization and an increasing consumer appetite to discover new horizons, more consumers and goods are taking to the skies. Consumer expectations, led by global digitization, are soaring. Travelers […]

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Mastering a Multi-Cloud World As a New Generation of Cloud Tools Emerge

Operating in a multicloud environment is a reality for most organizations today.  Whether it’s human resources recruiting candidates, manufacturing tracking shipments, or marketing enticing customers, business units are doing an end-run around their own IT departments to directly access services on the cloud. According to IDC, worldwide public cloud services grew 28.6% in 2017, with […]

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