Hybrid Cloud

Why Ecosystems May Determine Your Business Success

“It takes a village to raise a child” — nothing can be further from the truth that this old adage regarding today’s businesses. Today’s companies are interconnected, not solitary islands. They engage with each other at different levels. Sometimes they are outright competitors, and other times they are partners. The term “co-petition” exists because every […]

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What is application modernization?

Achieving flexibility and portability requires a new approach to designing, building, and deploying applications—especially when addressing traditional applications, or “monoliths.” Technologies such as APIs, microservices, Kubernetes and containers are used to cloud-enable traditional applications, achieving portability, security, and scalability while meeting marketplace demands. Application modernization is a key step in your organization’s digital transformation and […]

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Why Ecosystems May Determine Your Business Success

“It takes a village to raise a child” — nothing can be further from the truth that this old adage regarding today’s businesses. Today’s companies are interconnected, not solitary islands. They engage with each other at different levels. Sometimes they are outright competitors, and other times they are partners. The term “co-petition” exists because every […]

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【AI預警】人工智能分析天氣數據 預測人體敏感風險

(文章於2020年9月1日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 身體對環境敏感是愈來愈多現代人的煩惱,有人在天氣變化或換季時皮膚和呼吸系統就會感到不適或痕癢。美國最近就有一項能對觸發人體敏感的環境因素作出分析,並預測風險的免費服務面世。

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(文章於2020年6月29日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 金融服務業一向被視為應用科技上相對保守的行業,客戶利益、監管法規、保安風險等因素都促使行內企業要審慎行事。但近年來消費者渴求切合需求的金融服務,而且顛覆式的金融科技也正向傳統金融服務步步進逼,銀行、保險公司、證券行等都要積極回應挑戰。

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Planning Your Hybrid Multicloud Success with Open Source

Open source is now an enterprise reality. According to Forrester1, 90% of enterprises are already using two or more types of open source technologies; more than half are using five or more.

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AI 偵測山火 實時發送警報

(文章於2019年8月28日在香港經濟日報刊登) 近期的亞馬遜雨林大火,加上剛好一周年的美國加州超級山火,再次令大家察覺到,全球氣候暖化,令山火往往一發不可收拾。 雖然山火未能被杜絕,但科技界正與各地社區合作,尋求預報山火的新方法,守護民眾生命財產和自然資源。

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IBM 與 Red Hat :世紀收購答客問

IBM 雲計算與認知軟件業務全球高級副總裁、IBM 全球研究院院長 Arvind Krishna 與 Red Hat 執行副總裁兼產品和技術部門總裁 Paul Cormier 就此次里程碑意義的收購進行了會談。

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AI+物聯網 釀酒業再創高峰

  (文章於2019年7月11日在香港經濟日報刊登) 釀製啤酒是世上最古老的行業之一,中世紀在歐洲,不少啤酒是由寺院僧侶釀造。工業革命後出現了比重計和溫度計,令啤酒生產工序更穩定,大量生產也變得可行。

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