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IoT developer helps to get started with IBM Cloud
The possibilities of the IBM Cloud for developers are enormous. Think of smart things in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), datascience, and so on. In fact, the IBM Cloud contains a complete catalog of services that enable developers to set up creative projects. I even use IoT services in […]
To all developers: help to prepare for disasters – answer the Call for Code
Anyone who has been involved by a natural disaster recognizes the enormous urge to help the people affected. We know from our own experience how powerless you feel when your family or friends are in an affected area. The consequences of Hurricane Irma in Florida and the impact of Katrina in New Orleans were enough […]
One digital twin counts for the pair
Twins have no trouble understanding one another. A single glance, a gesture or a single word is generally sufficient. Pain, feelings and thoughts are immediately shared in real time. It is no accident that a twin is a single entity. We see the same in the world of technology, in which the physical and virtual […]
IBM supports Hack Belgium – will you join us?
During Hack Belgium 1,000 entrepreneurs, developers, students and academics gather together to solve societal challenges with the help of cognitive and cloud technology. By developing new disruptive technologies these innovative entrepreneurs change the way the various fields work, including mobility, healthcare and the job market. It is no easy task, there will be sweat and […]
IoT gives asset management a new boost
Forget all the classic opinions regarding enterprise asset management (EAM). Links to new technological possibilities such as the IoT open up a world of new possibilities. This provides a real-time, mobile component when managing the life cycle of business resources and work processes. This development has not gone unnoticed. With IBM Maximo, we were recently […]
A Cloud for DevOps
Developers involved in setting up a DevOps environment usually face a variety of challenges. An important phenomenon is that the development and testing environment must match the reality of the acceptance and production domain. In practice, this is not always the case. Applications that have been developed and tested with care ultimately do not seem […]
Wanted: Wild Ducks who are in for a Cognitive Challenge
The one thing that’s always in the back of every entrepreneur’s mind is how to serve his/her customers even better. It is in our mind, it is in the mind of our Business Partners. Cognitive adds value to the customers. The cognitive solutions market represents a tremendous growth opportunity for businesses delivering solutions with cognitive […]