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data scientist
Ultra short time to market with AI? It is possible!
Time to market is a distinctive success factor in the digital age. This certainly applies to the development of new or improved products and services, and creating an optimal relationship with the customer. An intelligent handling of data can help. This does not have to take weeks or months anymore. The role of data scientists […]
On the password paradox and authentication innovation
Chances are that the device on which you’re reading this blog was accessed through one form of authentication or the other. One of the most wide-spread of those methods are passwords. They’ve become such an integral part of our lives that we often don’t think about them anymore. However, danger lurks right around the corner […]
IBM Watson Data Platform: Make Data & Analytics Simple
Blogpost by Niko Tambuyser | So you hire a bunch of young and ambitious data scientists to extract true value from your data. And then you find out that they really like open-source software, and that they all have their own tools they prefer using – making it really hard to work together and reach […]
The rise of the data scientist
Written by: Marc Teerlink, Global Strategist & Chief Data Scientist at IBM and Olav Laudy, Worldwide Predictive Analytics Solutions Leader at IBM In the film Moneyball, Billy Beane takes over as manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team in California. With the club in dire financial straits, he adopts a highly unorthodox strategy for achieving […]