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Struggling with Artificial Intelligence?
Wondering how Artificial Intelligence (AI) really works? Do you feel like it is just a black box which, when asked, magically comes up with an answer? Do you trust the so called “black box”? Recently this article appeared in the dutch newspaper The Telegraaf about Ethics and AI. It touched the discussion on how […]
Cognitive manufacturing and Industry 4.0
Talk to any manufacturing executive and odds are they have heard of Industry 4.0. Originally coined in Germany through a technology project to computerize manufacturing, Industry 4.0 has now launched into a worldwide initiative to transform this sector. Japan and China have even coined their own ‘Industrial Value Chain Initiative’ and ‘Made in China 2025’ […]
Partnership creates intelligent cloud
The IT environment has increasingly evolved into a combination of diverse cloud services, complemented by on-premises systems. Software-driven intelligence and automation help to get the most out of such a hybrid landscape. This creates new opportunities for IT service providers. Take the Belgian NRB, for example, which offers customers a unique self-service cloud brokerage platform. […]
How cognitive gives CMOs a head-start
Marketing and sales leaders recognize cognitive as a path that leads to a new era for their businesses. Yet, despite this understanding, and a strong dose of optimism, many feel their organizations lack a number of the foundational capabilities needed to successfully implement a cognitive solution. According to a recent study by the IBM Institute […]
Wanted: Wild Ducks who are in for a Cognitive Challenge
The one thing that’s always in the back of every entrepreneur’s mind is how to serve his/her customers even better. It is in our mind, it is in the mind of our Business Partners. Cognitive adds value to the customers. The cognitive solutions market represents a tremendous growth opportunity for businesses delivering solutions with cognitive […]
The Writing on the Wall, Feeling secure
Blogpost by Frank van der Wal | Within a couple of weeks, we will wish our beloved ones and friends all the best for the new year. This is that time of the year that we feel close to our beloved ones and family. The darkest days of the year (if you are living on […]