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cloud 18Q1
Multi-cloud offers endless possibilities
Forget about the debate on the public versus the private cloud, that is an outdated discussion. Most organizations opt for the optimal middle way: a combination of proprietary systems and IT that runs in public environments. In addition, companies use a multitude of cloud services. Complicated and difficult to manage? Not with the right […]
The real IBM Cloud
Many of you have surely noticed that IBM has introduced a fundamental name change in its product portfolio. IBM Cloud, to which I am referring, includes more or less all the products and services we have used in recent years to profile ourselves as a transformative organization. These include Bluemix, SoftLayer IaaS, Watson cognitive […]
Open cloud environment gives discipline new meaning
Not only does the cloud offer a significant stimulus to organizations and sectors; it also serves as an interesting impetus for the IT profession. Recently, I spoke at a large meeting about the OpenStack cloud operating system. What I witnessed there was that people who have traditionally worked with IT infrastructure are also helping […]
What you need to know about the hybrid cloud
The hybrid cloud enables organizations to seamlessly address the desires and requirements of the business. Newcomers and existing companies apply the IT model in diverse sectors to be able to operate quicker, more flexibly and cheaper based on new technologies. In spite of the many advantages, for those responsible for IT and the business, […]
Automated to the cloud
In these times of transformation, everything revolves around reconfiguring processes: welcome to the world of distributed clouds, cognitive applications and let us not forget smart possibilities for managing new environment using automated tools. Companies are increasingly using multi-cloud strategies, to accelerate innovation and to give their businesses new forms. The average corporate organization already uses […]