
Des pouvoirs publics ouverts grâce à la blockchain

Les citoyens apprécient que l’on soit à leur entière disposition. S’ils doivent patienter trop longtemps ou qu’ils n’obtiennent pas tout de suite ce qu’ils veulent, ils iront voir ailleurs.  Ce principe d’immédiateté des services est aussi ce qu’ils attendent des autorités publiques. Avec pour résultat que les pouvoirs publics prêtent de plus en plus attention […]

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Open overheid dankzij blockchain

Burgers worden graag op hun wenken bediend. Moeten ze te lang wachten of krijgen ze niet meteen een resultaat? Dan zoeken ze het ergens anders. Die instantservice verwachten ze ook van overheidsdiensten. Gevolg? De focus van overheden komt almaar meer op het gemak van de burgers te liggen. Alleen zo winnen ze hun vertrouwen en […]

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How IBM helps drive a sustainable food supply chain

Could you describe the exact journey your food makes before it ends up in your kitchen? Don’t feel bad if you can’t: the classic supply chain is characterized by a lack of precise and accurate information. Customers have no way of tracking their fruits or veggies from seed-to-plate, while suppliers and farmers often have to […]

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How do we create a safer supply chain that combats food waste?

This question becomes increasingly important in the fight for sustainability. Blockchain, a system that protects data against manipulation, is a first step toward more transparency. Our planet is becoming increasingly congested. In 5 years the number of people on earth will exceed 8 billion. And by 2050 the population is expected to be 9 billion. […]

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Cognitive Enterprise: de volgende stap in de digitale evolutie

  Zeven kernfactoren voor het succes van uw digitale transformatie AI, blockchain, 5G en het IoT zijn de aanjagers van een volgende technologische evolutie. Een digitale transformatie waarbij organisaties hun architectuur niet alleen outside-in opbouwen, maar ook zorgen dat ze deze inside-out kunnen aansturen. Zodat ze met nieuwe technologieën heel gericht gebruik kunnen maken van […]

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IoT developer helps to get started with IBM Cloud

The possibilities of the IBM Cloud for developers are enormous. Think of smart things in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), datascience, and so on. In fact, the IBM Cloud contains a complete catalog of services that enable developers to set up creative projects. I even use IoT services in […]

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Chocolate – much more than a matter of good taste

Whenever there is a moment to celebrate, or when we want to show our beloved ones our special attention – no doubt, tasty chocolate is the first and best choice. These high quality cacao products may be made in Belgium or the Netherlands. But an extensive chain of production and processing precedes the final product. […]

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Intelligent real estate

The transformation in the real estate sector extends much further than greater sustainability and ease of use. In future, the most important change will be that buildings will be used for multiple purposes and multiple users. It is a development that is driven by increasing scarcity, intelligent technology and putting the emphasis on the human […]

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