
Cognitive Enterprise: de volgende stap in de digitale evolutie

  Zeven kernfactoren voor het succes van uw digitale transformatie AI, blockchain, 5G en het IoT zijn de aanjagers van een volgende technologische evolutie. Een digitale transformatie waarbij organisaties hun architectuur niet alleen outside-in opbouwen, maar ook zorgen dat ze deze inside-out kunnen aansturen. Zodat ze met nieuwe technologieën heel gericht gebruik kunnen maken van […]

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Will AI and Machine Learning really make the difference in marketing?

You can’t discuss marketing today without the conversation turning to artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML). Once touted as the silver bullet for data collection, analysis and customer service, smart marketers are already using the underlying technique to enhance human intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to tempt marketing professionals. As marketers, we are driven […]

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Keeping quality high while lowering process costs with AI & IoT in Manufacturing

As profit margins shrink and consumer expectation rise, it’s for manufacturers more important than ever to optimize for quality in their operation. Fortunately, quality management technology has made huge advancements in recent years. Today organizations within manufacturing and their leaders can easily embrace available AI and IoT enabled solutions. This allows to detect quality issues early […]

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