Materialize your financial future

In what follows, we’ll take a look at how a company that is future-ready product- and service- wise, can ensure that its finance department is future-ready as well. A great example is Materialise, a company famed for its expertise in everything related to 3D printing. They recently collaborated with IBM to renew the entire handling […]

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Chemistry between IBM and Umicore for future-ready finances

With society moving at an ever-faster pace on an increasingly global scale, keeping track of the financial part of your company’s story is no walk in the park. Especially not for a multi-billion, multinational company like Umicore. However, with the right tools at the right place at the right moment, some of the obstacles that […]

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Is your finance organisation future ready?

I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news. The good news is that the past decade’s technological leaps have enabled finance professionals to gain access to more data than they could have ever dreamt of. The bad news: management toolkits have not kept up with the growth in volume and complexity we face today. […]

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Hi, I’m Watson, and I’m the new security guy!

Voor bedrijven wordt het steeds moeilijker om je tegen cyberdreigingen te beschermen. Bovendien laat een goede dief maar weinig sporen na: de oorzaak van een effectieve aanval opsporen is zeer tijdrovend en complex. En dan zwijgen we nog over het berekenen van de impact op je bedrijf. Nieuwe technologieën zoals artificiële intelligentie spelen een sleutelrol: […]

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Digital readiness and Digital reinvention, the two sides of the digital dollar

Contemporary digital business: during the first two hours of Singles Day, online retailer Alibaba received turnover of 7 billion dollars. A few weeks later saw a 60% increase in its turnover during the St. Nicholas sales and, in the same 4th quarter, Ahold saw its online turnover increase by 28%. These are not future […]

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Developing cloud based services and apps the easy way

Using IBM Bluemix to quickly create, deploy and manage applications Developers get ready: this is the only platform you need from now on. IBM Bluemix is an open source platform that offers a wide range of of-the-shelf tools and API’s. You pick and choose, mix and match to create mobile or web based services and […]

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Today Big Data & Analytics is everywhere for everyone

Analytics have been around for some time now in the business world, it all started when long lists of figures were produced by mainframes which were then analysed by number crunchers trying to make sense and some business value out of it all. Thanks to the rise of the desktop machines and spreadsheet programs everything […]

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Infrastructure is for all times

Whereas ITers frequently take the infrastructure as their point of departure for a transition to the cloud, businesses generally start with the applications. The stereotypical view is that the IT function tends to consider applications almost as an afterthought, while business users, in turn, scarcely realize that they even need an infrastructure at all. Even […]

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Infrastructure? Don’t forget the software!

In the broad movement to the cloud, we ultimately see two streams. On the one hand, a shift from infrastructure to the cloud, which means that many organizations will invest less in their own hardware. On the other hand, driven in part by demand from the business, software in the cloud is playing an ever […]

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