
Cultural change: building blocks, not stumbling blocks

Successfully developing a minimum viable product (MVP) can represent a big step forward for an organization. Technology is no longer the problem; this is readily available nowadays. The real obstacle is the culture: getting people within the organization to get on board with creating something valuable without too many skills being required – for example, […]

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Cognitive technology increases employee expertise

Cognitive technologies are completely revolutionizing the business these days. They are ‘disruptive enablers’ that provide organizations deeper client involvement, increase employees’ expertise and enable employees to discover new opportunities. Cognitive technology truly makes organizations more intelligent thanks to simple APIs. Cognitive technology produces a higher level of intelligence in general within a digital organization. Organizations […]

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Bieber and Bach: good colleagues in IT

The term disruption arises frequently in all industries, companies, books and technological segments. Rapid technological change challenges the established order and changes our method of thinking and working. Open source platforms such as Bluemix give small players with disruptive ideas the tools required to implement their ideas or to facilitate internal disruption among established players. […]

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The path to successful digitization starts on the work floor

In this data-driven era in which data finds new customers, binds existing customers and makes efficiency possible, everyone seems to have an idea regarding digitization and the value this offers the business. But how do you create real value with data? And where do you begin? Traditionally, it has been the sales and marketing department […]

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Machine learning? Keep it simple

When it comes to productivity the human mind doesn’t like to be distracted. Distractions are disruptions from deep work. And that’s precisely the problem with being a data scientist. See, your datasets have a story to tell and as a data scientist it is your job to listen to that story carefully. If you want […]

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3 machine learning benefits for IT managers

Data science and machine learning have become a vital part of business and profit growth. Many organizations now depend on it, leaving team managers with several challenges: managing data science teams, improving ROI on projects, choosing the right solution, to name just a few. There are of course several IT platforms that facilitate machine learning. […]

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Why you need the right insights to retain your clients

“A dissatisfied client is a loyal client”. Even the most accepted theories of CRM might be not applicable to your organization´s situation and Data Scientists can discover such fascinating insights from your data. The massive volumes of data represent opportunity to acquire information and make an organization much more intelligent and adaptable. It enables us […]

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The power of combining data science tools applied to Internet of Things in freight

How data science enabled a freight company to get its containers back in order. Data Science is exploratory by nature. You therefore want access to the widest possible range of algorithms, libraries and flexible tools that can handle multiple types of data. But also you do not want to forget that much value can come […]

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Unexpected consequences of the weather on your shelves

It’s impossible to change the colour of the sky. However, thanks to weather analytics, companies can now curb the effects of climatic events. Here’s how. Climatic conditions naturally affect demand for products and services. They can also entail costly consequences, such as shortages or excesses of stock. Here too, digitisation, analytics and Big Data is […]

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