
Technologie als motor voor mobiliteit van de toekomst

Dit artikel is te lezen in de juni editie van het IBM Inspire Beyond Today’s Technology magazine. Download het hele magazine hier Het Brussels Gewest zucht onder de mobiliteitsproblematiek: files, fijn stof, bussen en trams die vastzitten in het verkeer,… Brussels staatssecretaris voor mobiliteit Bruno De Lille ging op zoek naar een manier om de […]

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IBM Announces IBM Services Center in the Dutch Province of Groningen, Creating up to 350 New Tech Roles for Local Market

PRESS RELEASE IBM (NYSE: IBM) yesterday announced a new services center in the city of Groningen, The Netherlands that will create up to 350 technical IT roles in the coming three years enabling IBM to deliver an industry-leading range of innovative technology services to clients across The Netherlands. The center will offer IBM clients in […]

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Turning problems into patents: Innovation at IBM Benelux

This column is dedicated to patents in IBM – and specifically to our inventors and inventions in the Benelux. In 2012, IBM topped the annual list of US patent recipients for the 20th consecutive year with a record 6,478 patents. But those intellectual properties don’t just come out of IBM’s US business, nor just out of […]

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Big Bang meets Big Data

This article can be read in the June edition of the IBM Inspire Beyond Today’s Technology magazine. You can download the magazine here. Square Kilometre Array (SKA) South Africa, a business unit of the country’s National Research Foundation, is joining the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) and IBM in a four-year collaboration. Objective? To […]

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The IBM BLS building is the first building in Bio-Balance in Europe

The IBM offices at Brussels Leopold Square (BLS) has become the first Bio-Balance building in Europe. In fact, it is the first time that the gold certificate is given here. Two years ago the IBM Real Estate Site Operations (RESO) started working with Metatecta – the enterprise in charge of this project- to carry out […]

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Kan social software borstkanker de wereld uithelpen?

IBM Connections en Analytics levert onderzoekers waardevolle inzichten omtrent informatiecampagnes voor borstkankerpreventie Doe mee aan het onderzoek! By Martine Lewi Eén op negen vrouwen zal vroeg of laat in haar leven te maken krijgen met borstkanker. Hoe sneller de ziekte wordt vastgesteld hoe groter de overlevings-kans.  Goede preventie- en informatiecampagnes zijn dus van levensbelang. De […]

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IBM maakt kleinste film ooit

‘A Boy and His Atom’ is een unicum binnen de wereld van de nanotechnologie. Nooit eerder hebben wetenschappers het kleinste deeltje in het universum gebruikt om een verhaal te vertellen. Maar waarom is een stop-motion video over een jongetje dat met de bal speelt, loopt en trampoline springt nu zo belangrijk voor de toekomst van […]

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Turning problems into patents: innovation at IBM Benelux

This column is dedicated to patents in IBM – and specifically to our inventors and inventions in the Benelux. In 2012, IBM topped the annual list of US patent recipients for the 20th consecutive year with a record 6,478 patents. But those intellectual properties don’t just come out of IBM’s US business, nor just out […]

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IBM Corporate Service Corps: Making A Difference, Worldwide

IBM’s Corporate Service Corps (CSC) is like a family – volunteer IBMers from all over the world coming together to share solutions with developing nations – and nowhere has that been more true than the CSC’s recent work in Senegal. Team member Catherine Lete was impressed by this wonderful country and its inhabitants. Solutions for […]

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