Jeroen Tromp

The power of Bluemix in practice

IBM Bluemix is widely known in other countries as a platform for rapid innovation; in the Netherlands, Bluemix does not yet enjoy such a big reputation. Perhaps this has to do with our reticence when it comes to large-scale advertisements and chest-thumping. For example, London’s Heathrow airport is decorated with enormous banners touting the advantages […]

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SLTN and IBM demonstrate the ‘innovation garage’

IT service provider SLTN has selected IBM Bluemix to make it quicker and easier for you – as a developer, the person responsible for IT or an innovation manager – to develop and innovate. The company will set up a so-called ‘Bluemix Garage’, in which topics such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile DevOps and […]

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