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Eva Vennema
Keeping quality high while lowering process costs with AI & IoT in Manufacturing
As profit margins shrink and consumer expectation rise, it’s for manufacturers more important than ever to optimize for quality in their operation. Fortunately, quality management technology has made huge advancements in recent years. Today organizations within manufacturing and their leaders can easily embrace available AI and IoT enabled solutions. This allows to detect quality issues early […]
One digital twin counts for the pair
Twins have no trouble understanding one another. A single glance, a gesture or a single word is generally sufficient. Pain, feelings and thoughts are immediately shared in real time. It is no accident that a twin is a single entity. We see the same in the world of technology, in which the physical and virtual […]
Intelligent real estate
The transformation in the real estate sector extends much further than greater sustainability and ease of use. In future, the most important change will be that buildings will be used for multiple purposes and multiple users. It is a development that is driven by increasing scarcity, intelligent technology and putting the emphasis on the human […]