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IoT developer helps to get started with IBM Cloud
13/12/2018 | Written by: Yves Debeer
Categorized: Blockchain | Internet of Things (IOT)
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The possibilities of the IBM Cloud for developers are enormous. Think of smart things in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), datascience, and so on. In fact, the IBM Cloud contains a complete catalog of services that enable developers to set up creative projects. I even use IoT services in my hobbies running and cycling…
As ‘developer advocates’ for IBM, my colleagues and I constantly show new technologies and cool possibilities that developers can use on the basis of IBM technology. My passion is mainly focused on innovative concepts and ideas. We therefore set up an intensive interaction with the developer communities, where we support people with hackathons, meet-ups and other workshops, to give them the opportunity to actually make something based on our technological possibilities. In order to respond to the wishes and requirements within the community, we make a clear link with open source.
In my private time I also work with the IBM Cloud, such as my sports activities running and cycling: think of sensors to collect data, or cool apps that help you gain more insight into your performance. On the other hand I use technology that helps me with my motivation, such as virtual sports activities where I can walk or cycle from my garage online with others.
Focus on IoT and AI
From my background as an electronics engineer and because of my personal passion I am very interested in the possibilities of IoT, but also in the rise of chatbots in combination with physical robots and other emerging technologies. I am working on developing applications using an open source robot, which has two cameras as eyes. As soon as he sees you, he is approachable. This gives a lot of possibilities. The robot could use Watson API’s to detect whether someone is in a bad state of mind. He could scan a QR code and also take a picture at an event and send it as a tweet.
While I focus on technologies such as IoT, robotization and AI, we also have a lot of development knowledge about blockchain and datascience. In this way you are able to connect and interact on the right level with specialized developers.
Support and guidance
I am officially a developer advocate only since October 2018. But as a tech-sales I was already in this role when the IBM Cloud was launched. I supported both startups and corporates to build an environment at minimum cost, in order to be able to scale them up easily with success. I guided hackathons and supported startups. Meanwhile, my focus is completely on the IBM Developer community.
Code patterns
In the meantime we have created the so-called Code Patterns: a collection of articles that describe in detail how, as a developer, you can set up something cool with the IBM Cloud. Think of linking sensors via a Raspberry Pi to the IBM Internet of Things platform. Or letting a drone take off to take these photos and analyze things from the air. The number of possibilities is endless.
In the coming period we will be present at numerous events and meetups within specific communities, such as those for startups in various segments. People can not only see what has been achieved so far, they will mainly start working on the basis of all new technological possibilities themselves. In addition, we are becoming more and more active with our YouTube channel for developers. As evangelists, we don’t only spread the word, but also share the knowledge and experience from our own developer’s Walhalla.

Yves Debeer
IBM Developer Advocate
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