
Bieber and Bach: good colleagues in IT

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The term disruption arises frequently in all industries, companies, books and technological segments. Rapid technological change challenges the established order and changes our method of thinking and working. Open source platforms such as Bluemix give small players with disruptive ideas the tools required to implement their ideas or to facilitate internal disruption among established players. It is possible to set up your cloud in such a way that you can weather the disruption of your specific segment, or even completely surprise the segment. Disruption is like Justin Bieber: challenging, volatile and audacious.

The consequence of disruption for your IT environment
Disruption ensures that the IT dynamics within the organization changes – all cycles become shorter; partnerships come and go as quickly as the serving and drinking of mulled wine at a German Christmas market. The cloud saves, orders and integrates large quantities of data-specific (cloud based) applications, recognizes patterns and establishes links to deliver relevant input to the business. Specific industrial knowledge is linked to data and patterns to create a shock effect. Success stories, which adopt a data-first strategy, combined with the power of specific industry clouds, has turned entire market segments on their ears. This creates a buzz surrounding everything that is disruptive with IT discussions that take place at the application level rather than at the architecture level.

Different questions play a role at the digital architecture level: does everyone want to be disruptive in every domain? Does everyone want to set up his own cloud with specific applications? Is the IT specialist not right to search for an architecture that is robust and certain, rather than frivolous and volatile? Recently IT has moved toward optimizing and delivering service to the rest of the business. If we then extend this notion, a stable service with incremental innovation is desired. This incremental innovation could be available if CIOs did not continually have to deal with managing their cloud. This is where Cloud Managed Services (CMS) can play a role. CMS ‘relieves the burden’. It creates a stable environment with reliable processes, so that IT specialists are free to pursue other matters. CMS is not sexy, but it is consistent: it facilitates integration, back-up systems and solid security. CMS is like Bach: it offers guaranteed quality and peace.

Are we all Beliebers?
Bieber is a disrupter. A wild and volatile person who turns an industry on its ear – creating both fans and opponents. Bach represents stability, the CMS. In good times and bad his music touches listeners and always provides the highest quality. The CIO values a stable architecture and continuity in his processes. It is certainly more boring and the number of Beliebers will surely grow more rapidly than the number of Bach fans, but the basis lies with Bach and the connoisseur recognizes his value both now and in in the future.

Learn more how your organization can digitally innovate >>>

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