Dr. John E. Kelly III
Dr. John E. Kelly III
IBM Senior Vice President, Cognitive Solutions and IBM Research
Watson Health: Setting the Record Straight
We at IBM have a lot to be proud of, including our pioneering work with Watson Health. Unfortunately, some media reports, including an August 11th story published by The Wall Street Journal, distort and ignore facts when suggesting IBM has not made “enough” progress on bringing the benefits of AI to healthcare. I feel it […]
IBM Patents: the Foundation of Innovation and Discovery
The strategic use of intellectual property has been at the core of IBM’s success throughout our 107-year history. We have always sought an approach to patenting that balances proprietary and open innovation. Patents not only allow us to grow and thrive as a company but they also enable us to advance the cause of technology […]
The Rise of Cognitive Business
By John E. Kelly III When the original Watson won on the TV quiz show Jeopardy in 2011, it was one computer tucked away in a room at IBM Research. Now it’s in our cloud, available anywhere. Back then, Watson consisted of a single software application powered by five core technologies. Today, it includes 28 […]