Erich Manser
Erich Manser
IBM Accessibility, IBM Research
How IBM’s ‘Team Able’ Runs Through Accessiblity Challenges
On, Thursday, May 16, IBM site locations and iX Design Studios across the U.S. will celebrate the eighth annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) – a worldwide observation to raise awareness of digital access and inclusion issues for people with disabilities. As an IBMer with a disability, and a founding member of IBM’s Team Able, […]
The Totality of International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018
We often hear stories about people with disabilities telling either their struggles and challenges, or the incredible, “super-human” things they can do. It’s always an extreme end of the spectrum, helpless or heroes. It’s time for us to recognize that such generalizations are as dehumanizing as simply ignoring the contributions of people with disabilities. A […]
What the ADA Has Meant to Me
Man, I’m old. I can’t believe it’s been 28 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act became law in the US. Sure, twenty-eight years is a blip on a screen in the grand scheme of humankind, but when I think of all that’s changed, personally and for disability rights, it seems like eons. On July […]