Artificial Intelligence
Transforming IBM in the Cognitive Era
September 14, 2016 | Written by: Harriet Green and Bob Lord
Categorized: Artificial Intelligence
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One of the buzzwords of today is ‘digital transformation.’ Everyone’s talking about it, but what does it really mean?
At IBM, we define it as a transition from traditional tools and methods to digital technologies that enable innovation in a particular domain, and lead to improved business performance and much simpler user experiences.
One of the key drivers fueling this transformation is Software as a Service (SaaS). By 2018, 28% of worldwide enterprise applications will be SaaS-based, generating $50.8B in revenue. In this SaaS-focused world, companies that buy-in will have the ability to engage customers with unique, personalized experiences in an agile format that allows them to pay for the services they use, easily scaling up or down.
At IBM we have been undergoing an aggressive digital transformation for the past several years, integrating and infusing innovations ranging from analytics to cloud across the company. As part of our strategy, we’re rethinking how clients engage with us and what they need most to deliver a differentiated experience to their customers. The answer is building and delivering world-class integrated digital platforms that enable innovation and agility along their ongoing journey with a business.
Our latest move is THINK Marketing, a new digital site and one-stop destination for marketers.
The platform features an experienced team of live advisors and digital sellers. It also lets users tap into the power of IBM Watson which can instantly sift through huge piles of information, whether it’s new industry trends, proven best practices or a new piece of research, and delivers content that is most relevant to user’s business needs. This includes insights from IBM experts as well as the brightest minds from outlets such as New York Times, The Drum and Fast Company. The platform goes even further to suggest related courses and advanced learning opportunities, videos and industry events.
THINK Marketing is just the first in a series of sites that will provide extensive marketing expertise to users aligned by industry and role. This includes developers. By 2018, it is estimated that more than half of the developers globally will embed cognitive capabilities into their apps. At IBM, our goal is to deliver a unique developer experience that wins the largest ‘codeshare’ and supports the developer professional advancement with a cognitive career roadmap.
In this cognitive era, we understand that it is more important than ever to provide industry professionals with clarity and an agile, personalized experience that helps them make better business decisions now and for the future. THINK Marketing is designed to do just that – help marketers increase their marketing acumen to transform their businesses and create more personalized, digital experiences for their customers.

Former CEO & Chair of IBM Asia Pacific
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