Women in business and technology: Seeking a better balance

By March 8, 2019

What are you doing today to create a more gender-balanced world? And why does it even matter?

Gender diversity is one of the key drivers of creativity and innovation — and innovation leads to better economic return for businesses. While diversity and inclusion policies have become a mainstay for leading organizations in the 21st century, and we hear more conversation all the time about including women and girls in STEM fields, that doesn’t mean we don’t have continued work to do to create a more balanced workplace and world.

In 2018–19:

  • Women hold just 15 percent of corporate board seats worldwide.
  • Women are paid 23 percent less than men globally.
  • Women hold only 25 percent of tech jobs.
  • Women hold just 11 percent of executive positions at Fortune 500 companies.
  • And women own only 5 percent of tech startups.

In recent history, we’ve seen progress toward a more balanced gender representation in many of our social institutions. However, there’s a continuing need worldwide for more progressive mindsets and inclusive behaviors to be forged, and everyone can play a part. International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, offers a reminder to stay committed to this work throughout the year.

International Women’s Day is a global event celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women — and marking a call to action for accelerating gender parity. The 2019 theme, #BalanceforBetter, is an invitation to join the race for a more gender-balanced boardroom, government, media coverage, workforce and more. Gender balance is essential for businesses, economies, and communities to thrive.

IBM and IBM Systems Lab Services are responding to the call.

Helping women advance in business and technology

IBM is well known for its longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion. These values are at the heart of who we are and how we do business, and in 2018 IBM won its fourth Catalyst Award for its global efforts to help advance women in business.

In 2019, women continue to be underrepresented in technology disciplines and business leadership. In order to find a better balance, companies must invest in comprehensive, systemic change efforts. This year, IBM launched the Be Equal campaign as an open invitation to IBMers, customers and society at large to participate in promoting gender parity. IBM is committed to elevating qualified women in the workplace and especially in leadership positions.

How our team is pitching in

In IBM Systems Lab Services, we work every day with clients around the world to help plan, design and implement IT Infrastructure. The proven expertise of our consultants, along with their diverse backgrounds and experiences, is vital to the success of the organizations we serve. Lab Services is fortunate to have strong female leadership in our Vice President, and Chief Technology Officer and Distinguished Engineer, along with business unit executives, geography leads, managers and our technical events team. We are constantly striving to uphold the IBM values of diversity and inclusion, and we renew our commitment this International Women’s Day to seeking a more gender-balanced world in the work we do.

The call for gender parity is a responsibility we must all share, so this year for International Women’s Day, we invited members of IBM Systems Lab Services to commit themselves to #BalanceforBetter in work and life.

Here are some of their pledges:

Everyone has a part to play in achieving a better balance, and there are many ways to do so in business and in everyday life.

Join us and pledge your commitment to:

  • Help forge a more gender-balanced world
  • Maintain a gender parity mindset
  • Challenge stereotypes and bias
  • Forge the positive visibility of women
  • Influence the beliefs and actions of others
  • Celebrate women’s achievements

Together, we can work toward a more equitable workforce and world.

Happy International Women’s Day!
