Using LinuxONE to transform and protect your business, May 2019

By May 3, 2019

Your transition to the cloud can only be successful if your data and your environment are secure. Your business, your customers and your partners depend on it. In addition, any interruption to your business can result in lost revenue, trust and ultimately reputation. At IBM, we are committed to providing solutions that maintain your data privacy, provide uninterrupted service and help your business scale.

LinuxONE is a new kind of scalable computing platform that’s being used by digital banks, blockchains and more for its security, scalability and reliability. In fact, we recently received coverage in Coindesk magazine, where the values of LinuxONE are being brought to bear in a new space: crypto custody. Learn more here: IBM Quietly Enters Crypto Custody Market with Tech Designed for Banks.

Infibeam Avenues Ltd and Pune-based blockchain startup Primechain Technologies announced a collaboration to develop a more secure and encrypted global fintech platform and offer cross-border blockchain invoicing for global trade finance (a $12 trillion market) on the LinuxONE platform.

Sharpen your knowledge

  • A new LinuxONE introductory video is now available, describing how LinuxONE delivers security, scale and performance in one platform to provide the best of both worlds.
  • LinuxONE for Dummies, by Judith Hurwitz, provides an overview of the value of LinuxONE as compared to other platforms, and explains LinuxONE simply– as an integrated hardware and software solution that supports a hybrid cloud environment.
  • How much could you be saving? Use our updated TCO Calculator for a personalized total cost of ownership estimate for IBM LinuxONE servers.

 Where to find us

Come see us in person, ask questions, and continue the conversation. Hear innovative use cases, learn about capabilities, and find out how to get the most out of your LinuxONE Hybrid Cloud environment.

May 7-9 at the Red Hat Summit in Boston, Massachusetts. Visit the IBM stand to discover how IBM LinuxONE and Red Hat Enterprise Linux can deliver security, reliability and performance– and the wide range of solutions available including IBM Blockchain Platform and Temenos T24 core banking.

May 13-15 at Coin-based Consensus in New York, NY. Visit us in our shared booth with blockchain to see why LinuxONE is the best platform for blockchain. More details to follow . . .

Use cases

Learn how other companies are using LinuxONE security and resiliency to achieve their business goals.

  • Watch this video to learn how Cognition Foundry, an IBM CSP, uses LinuxONE to provide innovative, ground-breaking startups with the reliability, security and scalability they need to take their ideas to new levels.
  • Read this case study to learn how Deloitte uses LinuxONE to achieve substantial cost savings.