Update Your skills at IBM Tech University 2019

By March 5, 2019

IBM AIX, Data Encryption

Given the breadth and pace of business technology innovation, some IT teams are already experiencing a skills shortage, putting further pressure on their organizations. Why is this issue top-of-mind for CIOs and CTOs? Harnessing the most current IT skills are a strategic priority.

Plus, there have been numerous reports of a growing IT skills gap in North America. At its most basic level, it’s the variance between the expected capability by business leaders, and what IT staff can typically deliver in support of a complex digital transformation agenda.

That said, your path to a viable solution is readily available. Upskill your IT talent.

Invest in your team’s technical skills development

At IBM Systems Technical University (IBM TechU) events, you will learn how to plan, architect, install, configure, migrate, operate and tune your IBM Systems and Storage infrastructure for today and tomorrow.

You’re invited: April 29 – May 3 | Atlanta, Georgia – Register Now

What you’ll find at IBM TechU

  • Sharpen your technical skills with sessions, demos and hands-on labs led by IBM product and industry experts
  • Test-drive new products from IBM and IBM Business Partners in the Solution Center
  • Certify your skills on site at an up to 50 percent discounted rate
  • Expand your professional network when you connect with product developers and industry leaders
  • Learn from your peers in networking sessions and discussions on real-world IT challenges and successes

Here’s a small sample of the planned TechU sessions:

Introduction to quantum computing

Come to this session to get an introduction to quantum computing from an IBM Q Ambassador. Learn how quantum computing differs versus classical computing and review other core concepts like qubits, superposition, entanglement and quantum logic gates. You will also explore possible applications of the technology, and how you can run your own experiments using IBM’s Q Experience.

Innovation with POWER technology: Beyond Moore’s law

Improvements and innovations in server design over the past decades have been fueled by amazing strides in transistor density (Moore’s law) while maintaining near constant power (Dennard’s scaling). Looking forward to the coming decades, basic transistor scaling becomes challenging. This challenge has inspired a slew of innovation that will fuel system capability growth into the coming decades. This talk surveys these emerging technologies, showing the path towards an exciting future in system capabilities.

An introduction to neural networks and PowerAI

Neural networks are one of the key components of deep learning and have been popular in the last few years. In this session, we discuss some of the basics of deep learning and neural networks and see them in action in a demo using IBM’s PowerAI platform.

IBM Z architectural thinking in the era of microservices and containers

With microservices and containers, a business can be flexible as never before. For cloud solutions, services can be developed and extended to better integrate in a hybrid environment from a DevOps and automation perspective. Containerization is reality and helps to isolate and scale based on business requirements. These are the foundational concepts enabling hybrid cloud solutions.

LinuxONE fast start for Linux experts: IBM LinuxONE 101

Have you ever wondered where you can download LinuxONE? Perhaps you have heard about IBM LinuxONE and now want to learn more about it? Are you unfamiliar with the Z architecture? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you. In this session, we discuss the basics of Z architecture which is the foundation of the IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE platforms. We see how this architecture evolved over time, the current implementation of this architecture, virtualization options, speeds and feeds, and security. We also explore IBM LinuxONE’s capability to run popular software that is created and maintained by the open source community, and some great solutions that may be hosted on this platform.

The future of flash technologies: A deep dive into the future of storage

Explore the next wave of storage and memory technologies that will affect all levels of the compute, network, and storage environment, and get hands-on experience with the hardware that makes it possible–from tape to flash and beyond.

There is so much more to learn.

The full TechU agenda will include 700+ information-packed technical sessions.

To ensure your place at this unique learning experience for practitioners, register today.
