Quick-start AI – your rapid path to business results

By October 31, 2018

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus

Executives who are leaders in applying IT infrastructure are emphatic. Business technology is key to their strategic vision, where the economics support a compelling business case. These trailblazers are already investing with bold expectations of gaining agility, driving innovation and capturing new revenue growth, process efficiencies, or improved customer experiences.

The next wave of business technology, known as cognitive computing or artificial intelligence (AI), is already helping the early adopters in North America, by providing intelligent systems able to adapt and learn. Moreover, by expanding digital automation exponentially, cognitive technologies possess the ability to deepen and broaden human capabilities.

Build your business case for AI

A successful AI strategy starts with a well-defined business challenge. Think about a specific use case that’s important to your organization. Begin by fully understanding the problem you want to solve and define the commercial benefits. Be ambitious–don’t fear the big challenges that need solving. Outlining the definition of a goal, and the desired business outcome from your AI application, will help you build a business case for your project.

An essential component to all AI solutions is access to relevant data that applies to your use case. Therefore, the quality and amount of data available should guide your selection process.

Harness your untapped data assets

Many businesses have realized that their unique data assets are key to competitive success, and now they want to utilize that data to work with AI. To scale, your IT team needs to adopt new tools and techniques that will allow them to get better results and deliver more insights to your business stakeholders.

Our smart solution is an automatic machine learning (ML) platform that gives you an experienced “data scientist in a box” to quickly create ML-driven products and services to transform your business and thereby gain a competitive edge.

AI solutions for agile business demands

Increasing the business impact of AI by solving a wider variety of business problems is a key goal of every successful data science team. H2O Driverless AI is optimized to run with GPU acceleration and automates key portions of the data science process–including feature engineering and parameter tuning to dramatically reduce the time needed to produce accurate models.

Model deployment remains one of the most common challenges for data scientists. Models can take weeks or even months to reach production and may be modified to work with production systems. H2O Driverless AI creates ultra-low latency automatic scoring pipelines for easy deployment. In addition, this solution supports training, testing and model versioning so that data science and business teams can work together to bring models from conception to production in minutes, not months.

Accelerate your path to AI innovation

You too can be on a rapid path to business results from proven, practical AI applications. Act now and reach out to an IBM representative or Business Partner for your free consultation and get an immediate assessment for a quick-start AI project.

Call us at 1-866-883-8901 | Priority code: IBM Systems
