Modernize your infrastructure with Power Systems software enhancements

By October 6, 2020

IBM Power Systems is continuing to invest in our clients’ success by delivering solutions designed to help them produce exceptional user experiences within hybrid cloud environments. Today, we are making an announcement around enhancements to our software stack as well as the latest IBM i Technology Refresh and AIX Technology Level that will be available later this quarter. These enhancements are engineered to help our clients get the most out of their existing infrastructure while also preparing for the future by adopting hybrid cloud environments. We listen closely to what our users need through various client and Business Partner advisory councils and deliver enhancements based on their input. This announcement is the culmination of that feedback. Here are the highlights of what is being announced:

Hybrid cloud innovation

As more of our clients look to adopt hybrid cloud environments, we continue to make enhancements to our software portfolio and operating systems to help enable this innovation. With the latest release of IBM PowerVC, we will increase the scalability of virtual machines for greater flexibility within hybrid cloud environments. Deployment of cloned workloads will also be automated to help save time for operations and IT teams. For AIX and IBM i, we will introduce new Ansible modules and open source packages to extend the use of a consistent skill set across more workloads. This can help clients further reduce the skills gap and increase innovation as they adopt hybrid cloud environments.

Enhanced security

Security is baked into our entire Power Systems hardware and software portfolio, and we make security enhancements with every new release. This announcement is no different. Multi-factor authentication will be built into PowerVC 2.0, and PowerSC MFA Edition will be able to run on IBM i in addition to AIX and Linux. Users will be able manage the security of AIX, IBM i and Linux environments from a single dashboard. New security features and capabilities are also included with the IBM i Technology Refresh and in the latest Technology Level of AIX 7.2.

Business continuity

Recently we have seen business continuity become more important than ever before. The last thing clients need is an unexpected outage when teams are working remotely and away from the data center and the office. With the latest release of IBM PowerHA SystemMirror, high availability and disaster recovery will be simplified and streamlined for clients. Users will be able to manage HA and DR from a single user interface, and fewer commands will be needed to deploy HA environments. At-a-glance systems health monitoring is designed to make life easier for systems administrators who are most likely still working at home and away from the data center.

As we head into 2021, something that won’t change is the continued investment we put into our clients’ success, along with listening to our users’ needs and helping to deliver on that feedback with each new enhancement and release.

>>> Learn more about the software enhancements that will be available later this quarter here and operating system improvements here.
