IBM Cloud Object Storage again named a leader in the 2018 IDC MarketScape for Object-based Storage

By June 29, 2018

IBM Cloud Object Storage has been recognized for the fifth year in a row as a leader and placed in the Leaders category by International Data Corporation (IDC) in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Object-based Storage Vendor Assessment. (Doc #US42665518, June 2018)

Cloud Object Storage

IDC has found that the market for object-based storage (OBS) continues to grow and gain traction, especially in the past two years, as users gravitate towards systems that are easier to scale, less complex to manage and more efficient at storing the growing amount of unstructured data that is being generated by businesses and users.  (DOC # US43630018). The MarketScape study assesses the capabilities and business strategies of leading suppliers in the scale-out object-based storage market, which the IDC MarketScape notes is part of the overall file and OBS market segment. This study includes analysis of 13 key vendors of commercial OBS solutions with broad portfolios and global scale.

“We are very proud to be rated again as a leader by IDC for our IBM Cloud Object Storage offering,” says Vikram Bhambri, VP of Offering Management for IBM Watson Cloud Storage, which includes Cloud Object Storage. “We are committed and continue to invest to drive more leadership capabilities and bring more benefits to this expanding market for object storage.”

The MarketScape report highlighted IBM Cloud Object Storage’s strength in its ability to grow easily to massive scale: “…and has proven to do so for several customers. The flexibility of deployment offered by IBM’s COS (appliance, software-only and self-built/owned public cloud) surrounded by the solutions enabled via partnerships and other IBM products is advantageous to several customers.”

IBM Cloud Object Storage is one member of IBM’s extensive suite of software-defined storage solutions and is part of the Spectrum Storage Suite, helping you lower your costs by up to 40 percent.

Phillip Bindley, Managing Director of The Bunker, a client of IBM Cloud Object Storage, commented: “Since we operate out of the most secure data centers in the UK, located in former nuclear bunkers, we have seen the leadership capabilities of IBM Cloud Object Storage in our daily use of the system.  IBM really has a unique market proposition, in terms of storing large quantities of data in a very secure and available way.”

About IBM Cloud Object Storage

The on-premises IBM Cloud Object Storage system is a breakthrough platform for storing large amounts of unstructured data. It is designed to provide scalability, availability, security with simplicity and lower total cost of ownership (TCO). It is available as an integrated storage system or as a software-only solution. In addition, IBM Cloud Object Storage is available as a public cloud service in the IBM Cloud. IBM Cloud Object Storage is ideal for use cases such as remote file collaboration, backup or archive repository, and as a content repository for images, video and voice.

One of the advantages for customers with the IBM Cloud Object Storage architecture is that as more use cases are put on the system, the more benefits can be realized.

ibm cloud object storage use cases

Clients can start with as few as three commodity x86 server nodes or as little as 72 TB and grow to exabytes of useable storage without ever losing access to the data. By combining a single copy of protected data and the ability to lock down data using policy-based WORM storage, IBM Cloud Object Storage is quickly becoming the choice for many industries – such as finance, healthcare, and government – that have compliance or other data retention requirements.

About IDC MarketScape

IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

For more information on the latest IDC MarketScape for Object Based Storage results you can click here.

To find more information about Cloud Object Storage you can visit:
