How to pivot in challenging times with IBM Systems Co-Creation Lab

By July 13, 2020

2020 has brought significant changes to the way we all do business, and many organizations are shifting priorities in response to current challenges. The IBM Systems Co-Creation Lab offers all of our workshops, consulting and minimum viable product (MVP) builds as virtual and digital co-creation engagements. We’re here for you as your organization pivots to address unexpected challenges or explore new business opportunities.

Co-creation gives you a chance to team up with IBM IT infrastructure experts to discover, plan and start building the IT solutions your business needs now. Here’s how virtual co-creation with IBM Systems works:

IBM Systems Co-Creation Lab offers flexible session options and focuses on defined objectives with the optimal group of participants, typically key stakeholders in your organization. Don’t worry about video conferencing fatigue — we’ve got you covered and will create a schedule that works for you. You get to work with leading IBM Garage technical subject matter experts from IBM Systems who have a wealth of experience with hybrid cloud, enterprise security, AI and much more.

Co-creation workshops employ a proven set of collaborative tools, allowing for expert whiteboarding sessions using agile and Enterprise Design Thinking methodologies. Sessions are customized based on the current needs and priorities of your organization. Maybe you want to explore a brand-new opportunity in your business that came out because of current global events, or perhaps you’re working on an architecture design for critical infrastructure modernization that’s been in the works for a while. Wherever you are on the journey, we’ll tailor your virtual co-creation workshop to meet you there. You may even come into the session with a specific idea you want to explore and decide to change your use case based on its feasibility or new possibilities that emerge during the co-creation process.

At the end of a co-creation workshop, you’ll come away with an outline of the big ideas generated from the session, newly defined solutions and, most important, next steps to get you where you need to go.

“Inspiring ideas exchanged.”
—A large bank in Asia

“Intellectually stimulating.”
—A US-based healthcare startup

“Exceeded all of our expectations.”
—A financial startup in North America

Our team has co-created successfully with organizations across a wide spectrum of industries. We’ve delivered innovative, timely use cases focused on food safety, manufacturing floor physical distancing, healthcare diagnosis and wildfire management, to name just a few. With co-creation techniques, we can apply emerging technologies to help you optimize your business, including hybrid multicloud, modernization, cybersecurity, resiliency and high availability, AI and storage solutions.

The IBM Systems Co-Creation Lab is here to support you and your current business needs. Have questions? Please contact us today.
