DBaaS + Security @ MongoDB World

By June 26, 2018

DBaaS, Think 2018, Autonomous Car

How important are automation and security for your enterprise data?

While today’s business leaders want to automate tasks to eliminate human errors and security breaches, they don’t want to spend time on technical details. Managing databases in the traditional way requires a lot of highly-specialized technical knowledge, and DB admins must know and handle nearly all aspects of the database system. The cost of hiring specialized DBA administrators is also increasing, and there is the added complexity of managing multiple database platforms. This is why database as a service (DBaaS) has become popular.

What’s often not addressed in DBaaS offerings is the security perspective of the data. Examples of unauthorized user access, encryption of selected data only, or data breaches by internal administrators have become public in the media, and the need to reduce or eliminate these risks has strongly increased.

What is Hyper Protect DBaaS with MongoDB?

IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS is a fully managed cloud database platform which combines cutting-edge SQL and NoSQL database technology with the strengths of IBM LinuxONE. This includes partnering with MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, and benefits of the offering include quality of service and the capability to handle very large amounts of information with high performance.

A MongoDB cluster can be up and running in a matter of minutes without any training, and software developers can administer their own databases using DBaaS in a highly secure cloud environment.

A hyper-secure DBaaS also provides significant additional protection against security breaches by delivering pervasive encryption capability plus the additional benefits of secure service container technology.

Meet the Hyper Protect DBaaS team at MongoDB World 2018

MongoDB World 2018 is a 2-day event in New York City taking place on June 26 – 27, 2018. It combines a Partner Summit on June 26 with a one-day conference on June 27. Join us there to gain insights through participation in workshops, technical talks and keynotes. Visit us at the IBM booth at the Partner Summit to talk to the experts about business and technical values or just enjoy the day with us.

How to move forward
