Cognition Foundry lights a fire under startups by giving them access to enterprise technology

By October 15, 2019

From time to time, we invite industry thought leaders to share their opinions and insights on current technology trends to the IT Infrastructure blog. The opinions in these blogs are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM.

An idea is only an idea until someone believes in it. A groundbreaking vision can stall at the starting point if it doesn’t get support, which includes high-performance IT resources.

At Cognition Foundry, we believe that these resources shouldn’t be limited to major corporations, banks and government departments. We established the company to help bring innovative ideas to life, aiming to make a difference.

For startups, getting your technology investments right can be the key to whether you sink or swim. Building a full-scale infrastructure may be out of your reach financially. But equally, starting too small can prevent you achieving the momentum for a successful launch.

Our goal: help startups with real vision reach their full potential. To do that, we needed to offer them enterprise-level technology that delivers processing power and security at a price point their business can afford.

Struck by inspiration

The obvious choice of platform was IBM LinuxONE, since it combines high performance, rock-solid data protection and seamless scalability. By choosing IBM LinuxONE, we knew that we could draw on low latency, high availability and bank-grade security to build an offering that was irresistible to prospective clients.

We take advantage of the multi-tenancy capabilities of the platform to host numerous client environment within a single physical footprint. Using a single high-density server keeps energy and cooling costs low, helping us achieve efficiencies we can pass onto clients via affordable pricing.

The vertical scalability of IBM LinuxONE allows us to provision capacity for new and existing clients with the flip of a switch, so we can move fast on opportunities. The IBM team is just a phone call away if we ever want support for our clients’ development efforts, connecting startups with the leading expertise.

Changing the world

Cognition Foundry is succeeding in turning revolutionary ideas into reality across the globe. Using IBM LinuxONE, we’ve built a cost-effective delivery model for enterprise-class IT resources that brings them within reach of startups.

Our client base is growing all the time, and we’ve already helped some pioneering startups make their mark. Working with us, they can secure the infrastructure they need to get the ball rolling, and choose to scale up rapidly as and when they want.

One of our biggest success stories is Plastic Bank, which aims to help the world’s poorest communities improve their prospects while fighting against ocean plastic. Teaming up with IBM, we built a blockchain-based platform that they use to track the collection and exchange of plastic for useful goods and services. IBM LinuxONE is designed to seamlessly support their expanding user base, which is expected to grow to many, many millions.

cognition foundry logoWith IBM technology underpinning our operations, we’re helping the forward-thinkers of our generation bring their ideas to fruition. In this way, we hope to make the world a better place.

Want to know more? Read the case study for more details.
