More technology investment is needed for environment sustainability

By November 13, 2020

Just before COVID-19 became the global news headline, public sentiment on environmental action was at its peak. While the pandemic has nudged the narrative of climate change off the main stage for now, it appears the urgency to mitigate it is still as strong.

61% of Canadians say governments should integrate more tech into their environmental strategies, according to a national survey by IBM Canada

Last month, IBM conducted a survey to take a temperature check as to how Canadians are feeling now about climate change, the impact of COVID-19, and their feelings about the potential of technology – specifically AI – in driving global sustainability. What we learned is that Canadians remain earnest about the environment, and see technology as playing an important role in its protection. According to the findings, 75% of Canadians believe the development of AI and clean technologies is important in protecting Canada’s natural resources, including ocean health, and 72% say research in the tech industry is important to combat climate change.

The overt value placed on the use of technology to protect the environment may reflect the belief by the majority of Canadians that COVID-19 has stalled progress in the fight against climate change, and that half of Canadians are more concerned about the environment going into 2021 than they were last year, before the pandemic.

Economic growth from advancing research and investment in AI and clean technologies

When asked about the potential impact investment in research and technology could have on the economy, the response was overwhelming. Seventy-three percent of Canadians felt that the advancement of innovative technologies like AI was important in creating economic opportunities and in ensuring economic growth. Further, 61% of Canadians think governments should do more to integrate technology into their environmental strategies.

The message to governments is clear, but so is it to Canadian businesses and various industries. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed believe other organizations should also increase their use of innovative technologies to help protect the environment.

We also learned that Canadians are putting the onus of planetary health on themselves as well, with 74% indicating they would adopt technology solutions that would help them live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

The most powerful insight to come from the survey, however, is that Canadians remain committed to sustainability and to using innovation to overcome the challenges of climate change now and in the future.

Dave McCann, Managing Partner, IBM Consulting, IBM Canada

Twitter: @D_McCann29
